Thursday, July 15, 2010

Top ___ Reasons Mom is Underrated

OK folks, it is Mom's b-day. Happy b-day Mom! Tammy is officially excused from her normal duties of starting the birthday blog. She had some lame excuse like having kidney stones. Big W. Anyway, to mom. Over the years, I have thought so many times about how underrated mom is. She is seriously a rock star. And I'm not talking about her energy drink addiction - as in you are what you drink. Though that may be true, she is a rock star in so many other ways. So, I thought maybe this year we could start a running list of cool things about mom. Even better if they are cool things not everyone may know about. So, let 'em fly...

1. Totally self-sacrificing - for starters she gave up at least 7 years of her life (as in full years) pregnant. She gave up many more in child care.

2. Great taxi driver - seriously, how many ball games, practices, auditions, etc. did she take us to?

3. Amazing listener

4. Disturbingly in tune - can I say iron pills, Franco puking on me, etc.

5. Great missionary, even though she's never been on a mission - yet

6. Ridiculously smart - 9 years old in 9th grade. Seriously???

7. Supportive - she thinks we can do anything we set our minds to. Let's not disabuse her of that notion.

8. Awesome grandma - she loves the grandkids like nobody's business.

9. So good at cooking/baking that she makes Dolly Madison jealous

10. Runs interference really well - you know what I'm talking about. We all did things we knew dad would kill us for. Thankfully, he didn't find out about all of them. (Dad, don't read this item.)

11. Energetic - did I mention 9 kids, a bunch of grandkids, (maybe a rock star or two)?

12. Never needs to be the center of attention. Some of us our loud mouths and clamor for it. She is always content to let us have it and to enjoy seeing us get the attention.

(Back to work. List to be continued.)