Thursday, January 31, 2008

dinner conversation

For all those Nacho fans out there:

Ashley: Food is "the best."

Emma: I eat it "every day."

Camille: And you're a "crazy lady!"

This post contains no editing for content. It really happened like this, one after the other quoting movie lines. If you haven't seen Nacho Libre, please disregard this post.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Let's hear it for the cheeto car...

Yes, Jake participated in the Pinewood Derby too. Is that even how you spell Derby? I don't know. Whatever. The award he won was "Most like a a cheeto..." Hmmm....I don't know how I should feel about that. Rick was just hoping he wouldn't be completely humiliated. Turns out, it was pretty ugly, but it won a few times. The pinewood derby, itself was pretty fun...for the first 45 minutes or so, but after 2.5 hours, we were so done. The kids loved it. They could sit right by the track and cheer for their cars. Anyway, just goes to Jake's wasn't the prettiest, but it was pretty fast!


I'm just curious about everybody's take on the primary elections that are going on...I have been following it fairly closely and it's very interesting to me. Maybe all of you aren't in to politics, but I've been watching the debates and I just finished a political science class, so it peaked my interest...that and I had to do a paper on Mitt Romney. It was very educational. We had a very interesting discussion in relief society on Sunday. Somehow it ended up a very political discussion. Do you think the world is ready for a Mormon President? Can you believe Mitt Romney has made it this far? Do you think he has a shot of winning the nomination? Just curious...

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Today's Highlights

Here are the highlights from today's game. Jake really knows how to get a fast break going.

The Piece de Resistance

Here it is, the project that I've been working on for the past year, my magnum opus. It's a six drawer dresser made of African Mohogany. I made it 100% from scratch. The drawer faces are all from the same 16-foot long board, and the grain pattern is incredible. The pictures really don't do it justice, but here are a few.

I added some Walnut inlays on the top, as pictured below, and on the legs.

Here are a couple more shots showing a little more of the grain pattern, which has touches of gold in it.

Plus, the drawers extend 100% on fully hidden sliders.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Isn't this lovely?

This is our carpet upstairs (it looks a lot worse in person)... this morning, I had to rush the girls to the doctors office because I went upstairs after hearing Brooke screaming, "owee in the eyes!" Evidently, they had gotten into the chemicals used for Brandon's fish aquarium. They were COVERED in the blue stuff and Brooke had rubbed her eyes and gotten it in them. Brittany was sitting there happy as ever chomping on a candy cane covered in the blue stuff. I flushed Brooke's eyes out best I could and tried to wash the stuff off, then rushed them to the doctors office. Thankfully they're fine. The doctors office called Poison Control and all I had to do was have them stand in a shower for 15 minutes - which was a whole other experience... two screaming toddlers, terrified of taking a shower, both screaming their heads off while I'm trying to keep them both standing under the water. Not fun! I'm just glad they're fine now. What a crazy morning though, that's for sure. They will be permanently stained on some parts of their body for a long while probably and we're in need of new carpet now, but all is good. I NEVER had to deal with stuff like this with Brandon, he was always so cautious... the girls though, that's another story!

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

the baby

Here Michelle, I hope you're happy now! If you were here I'd bring him to you every day, baby hog. As if I had a choice!

Do you love the lizard belly or what?

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

"I heart you!"

Little sister did my hair... you like??? I may have jelly on my face, but my love is true!

This is what happens when you let a 3yr. old dress herself...

Monday, January 21, 2008

You probaby already heard but . . .

Just thought I'd call to let you know . . .

For all you Napolean Dynamite fans...

Earlier this evening, I heard Brooke shuffling through some things and just before I went to check on her, she comes running in the room all proud of herself looking like... well, you'll just have to see for yourself! (Just ignore the messy family room behind her!)

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Heads up

I posted a picture of Nate in the banker box and the link for video of Bash on my blog, check it out!

Saturday, January 19, 2008


Here are a couple highlights from today's game. Jake shows what I always teach him ... the D leads to the O.


The kids were talking about who the kids loved the most. Bella commented that Carter loves Michelle the most (obvious). Carter said (accused is more like it) that Bella loves me the most.

Bella's response: "No! I love Tammy the most."

Me: "You love Tammy more than me?"

Bella: "She's the most funest aunt. I love you both the same."

I'll have to straighten this out later. Off to Jake's basketball game - video clips to follow.

Friday, January 18, 2008

Look what I found...

They look sooo little! I came across these the other day while looking through a bunch of old pictures. The first one, I still remember, is Kenzie wanting to give Brandon a hug or kiss and Brandon yelling NOOOOO! I love the look on Kenzie's face!

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

What the @#$% is going on here? do you like this picture? Malia broke her elbow. Seriously, is this some kind of joke? I got to walk all over hell's half acre today from the pediatrian's office across town to the x-ray office, and finally to Children's Hospital so Malia could get her arm fixed. Picture hobbling with my newly sprained ankle (which is, incidentally twice the size of that picture I previously posted and much more colorful) in and out of pediatric offices with my two-year-old holding her arm and inconsolable because that's the arm with the thumb she sucks! It was a real nice surprise. She chose the bright pink "band-aid pink gas" (as she calls it) all by herself. Now for three weeks, I have to make sure nobody stuffs coins, legos, or anything else down it so it can heal.

On the brighter side...we finally got the toothbrush out of the toilet! A friend and I tried to do it with a garden hose, but we gave up and called a plumber who brought his trusty "snake" (sound familiar Dad?) and got it out. While I was inside trying to keep off of my ankle, Carter thought it would be funny to throw the toothbrush back in the toilet...just for kicks. I was FURIOUS! Thankfully, it was just in the basin, he hadn't flushed it yet. But seriously, is this series of events some sick joke OR WHAT!


Jake needs a nickname on the basketball court. I just don't think "Jake the Snake" does it. He's an absolute animal on defense, handles the ball well, and makes good shots on offense as well. Let's hear some suggestions.

Monday, January 14, 2008

Well, this being my first attempt at posting and not just commenting I have received permission from Kristin (who would have done it herself if she knew how and who will be learning soon) to publish their date for their wedding. She prefaces it with they have submitted their papers to have their respective sealings broken but on the advice of her bishop and his bishop they are not waiting for the clearance to get married so their date is May 31, Saturday morning, a ring ceremony/wedding vow exchange here in valencia then off on a honeymoon after a brunch/reception for the families that are able to attend. They are aware that cost is high and if there is a choice between attending this ceremony or attending their sealing (whenever it is) they would love to have everyone that can, come to the sealing. That said, anyone who is able to attend the union on May 31 would be most welcome and is certainly invited. Second, I am becoming increasingly concerned with Bretts total lack of direction and I dont know how to help
him -would you guys make this a matter of prayer, as I am, that I may be able to know how to
help him or even if this is the right time for me to approach this--thanks, you guys are great.

One of these ankles is not like the other... of these ankles swallowed a golf ball. (Look to the left of my left foot...) Believe it or not, the picture just doesn't do it justice. It hurts like @#$%! For you basketball players, this probably looks familiar...a bad sprain. Guess I'll plant myself on the couch for the next few days...

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Jake Highlights

Here are a couple highlights from Saturday's game. It was the first day of basketball camp. I don't think there was a player shorter than Jake, and the level of competition was better than he was used to. But Jake definitely held his own, making 3 shots, getting a number of rebounds and a ton of steals. I didn't get much on video, but here are a couple of the baskets coming off offensive rebounds. Jake's in the white shorts with blue top.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

My little feisty Brittany

Lately I've been having problems with Brittany acting out and not sure where it's coming from. I'm hoping someone else has dealt with similar things and can shed some light on how to handle it (or help me feel ok about it). Her tantrums are HORRIBLE and lately she's been getting an "attitude" and talking back, but the problem is it doesn't just happen at home anymore, now it's happening outside the home and she's starting to fight and talk back to other kids and even her Gymnastics Instructor. Lately she gets into these moods where she refuses to even make eye contact with me. I don't understand what happened to my little happy Brittany. Anyone else deal with this kind of behavior and if so, has it gotten any better??? I'm frustrated and at a loss of what to think or do about it. When I see her doing that, I feel like such a bad mom and guilty like I'm not doing enough or something like that. Anyway, hope all is well on your side! Other than this, things with her and everybody else are going really well so I can't complain... just worried and wanted to share and hopefully get advice.

the happy chickadee

Sarah was an early smiler in my estimation
(but this is my first baby), but it took us over
a month to start taking pictures of it. Here are
some pictures from a couple weeks ago. She
has finally started to do a funny laugh-type
noise, but only in response to daddy and a
certain toy, so it's not on video yet. Yesterday,
at ten weeks, she weighed in at 11 lbs 5 (and 3/4)
ozs. Although she is just "average" in this area,
and definitely no match for cousin Nate,
I'm still surprised at how big she gets so quickly...

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

New Name

My partner and I need some help. For those reading that don't know, we started a virtual tour company last year that specializes in the commercial market. We have done rental properties, apartments, bed and breakfasts, a Canadian fishing resort, etc. We started the company as We have since expanded to website development, website optimization, and video. iTourAccess doesn't quite fit anymore. We are in the process of redeveloping our website and thought that it would be a great time to take a second look at our company name. We have come up with a list of names that we are considering: Fugoso, Ohote, SouthwestSwell, ShadeStudios, Saumbee, SwellFishStudio, FuguVenture, VentureJ2. If you have any thoughts on these or suggestions for others, please let me know.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

30 and Never Hot-Hot-Hotter

I just wanted to give a quick shout out to that smokin hot stick of dynamite you all know as Katie. She turned the big 3-0 today. It hasn't fazed her in the slightest. She does have has an unfair advantage that I made reference to in the title. Let's be honest, 30 has been extremely kind to her.

I'm not sure how I ever convinced her to go out with me. I must have caught her at a bare cupboards moment in college when a cheap dinner was worth sub-par company. It was either that or the fact that I abused my authority and rigged the hometeaching assignments. I am a little fuzzy on the details at this point. Whatever it was 9 years and 4 kids later I still can't believe that shes mine.

So to the adorable, intelligent and talented Katie, Happy 30th Birthdee!

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Gems from Bella...

Today at lunch, Bella was obssessed with singing "I am a Child of God." They had learned the second verse in primary today and she kept singing, "I am a child of God. And so, my needs are great." Then she looked at me and said, "Mom, do you know why my needs are great?" I answered no. She said, "Because there was this girl riding a bike and she fell off and hurt her knees. That's why my knees are great." Beautiful folks.

Then, she got her feelings hurt so I was laying with her in her bed talking and Malia decided to join us. She jumped on top of me and Bella started screaming, "Malia, you're in my personal space!" Hmmm...where did she hear that one?

I had a dream - and somebody please turn off the bubble machine

Mom - the title was for you.

OK, so two things of interest for me this past week. One, was highly amusing to me, and begs sharing. So, I had a dream last week. It was short and sweet. I was sitting on a bench or a row of chairs, most likely in church, but I don't recall too well. Justin was there, along with one of his friends. His friend turned to him and said something like, "I forget what the dynamics are with you and your brothers...." The clear implication was that he forgot "who was who" so to speak. So, with one short phrase, and a gesture, I explained it to him. Rounding my hand into a sort of half-sphere, I hit myself on the chest twice (Mark-style) and, while clearly referring to myself said with a perfectly straight face "Oldest, buffest." And that was that.

The second was less amusing to me. It goes something like this. We kept the girls home from church today. So when I got home and found all 3 girls napping, I decided to let Steph continue to sleep while I fed the kids lunch. I went upstairs to get the girls up and found that they were already up. I could hear that before I actually go into the room, but figured it couldn't be that bad, whatever it was they were up to. Of course I was wrong. I walked in and, there to greet me from yesterday, are all the bloody (literally) handprints all over one wall from their nap yesterday when Brooke's nose was oozing bloody snot. They decided it made good wall art, so, reverting to their cave woman instincts, they decorated their abode. So, back to today, I walked into the bathroom and found one of the few things left in the adjoining jack and jill bathroom. Keep in mind, the door to the toilet/shower part of the bathroom has been locked as a preventative measure, and the water to the faucet in the sink which they can access has been shut off, based on a prior experience. So, today, I walked in to find the nice ceramic soap dispenser cracked on the floor. Brittany had her feet on the cabinet and was playing with the liquid soap that was all over the counter and was decorating the mirror. In the process of getting her down and looking over my treasure of a mess that was there, I learned that they had quite a bit of soap on themselves and the one rag in the room. So, I turned the water back on and started the clean up process. There was so much bubbling from the soap on the counter and in the sink that it took forever to get that out just to have a cleanup sink to work from. Several minutes later, I came downstairs with the girls to tell Stephanie what HER daughters had done, because MY daughters never would have done that.

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Theusen's New Year's Party - The Dallas Campus

The way I see it, it's not New Year's if we don't have Mom's chocolate chocolate chocolate cake. So, here's Dale showing off his first taste of the goodness. Isn't he lovely?
But no, it's not good enough for me to bring Mom's brownies to the event. Stephanie busted out and made a HOMEMADE banana cream pie. Oh yeah, rolled out the dough and everything. I made Adam watch the Rose Parade and we watched a ton of football and we called it a day.
Except for this. Yeah, the game watching was interrupted by the Marshmallow Gun war that Adam and Brando waged. Notice Adam's predatorial stealthy pose.
And notice Brandon's complete and utter lack of fear. Check out the confidence of this warrior!
Of course, Adam would call uncle every couple of rounds to reload with the help of Brooke. We had a great time. Hope you guys kicked off the New Year the way it was intended to be done. Going Sumo - eating all day and sitting around watching football. Happy New Year!

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Air Fighting Caught On Tape

Video One:

Brittany - air cup throwing

Brooke - air cup impact (note the head)

Video Two:

Brittany - air biting

Brooke - air bitten