Thursday, January 31, 2008

dinner conversation

For all those Nacho fans out there:

Ashley: Food is "the best."

Emma: I eat it "every day."

Camille: And you're a "crazy lady!"

This post contains no editing for content. It really happened like this, one after the other quoting movie lines. If you haven't seen Nacho Libre, please disregard this post.


Michelle said...

Um, I'm thinking you guys have watched that movie one too many times...

Carrie L said...

Michelle, as pretty as the blog is, I can't read a thing! Would you please change the colors? I don't want to miss a word! Thank you!

Carrie L said...

Thanks Michelle!

Michelle said...

I am too computer illiterate to figure out how the colors Judy did the background for me...

Stephanie said...

I wouldn't know that since I haven't seen the movie yet. It's on my list of ones to see though. Looks pretty funny.

Michelle, did you notice that the links to the other blogs are gone?

Courtney said...

Awesome movie and awesome line quoting. I'm so proud of your little munchkins for catching on to the whole movie line quoting business so young.