Wednesday, January 9, 2008

New Name

My partner and I need some help. For those reading that don't know, we started a virtual tour company last year that specializes in the commercial market. We have done rental properties, apartments, bed and breakfasts, a Canadian fishing resort, etc. We started the company as We have since expanded to website development, website optimization, and video. iTourAccess doesn't quite fit anymore. We are in the process of redeveloping our website and thought that it would be a great time to take a second look at our company name. We have come up with a list of names that we are considering: Fugoso, Ohote, SouthwestSwell, ShadeStudios, Saumbee, SwellFishStudio, FuguVenture, VentureJ2. If you have any thoughts on these or suggestions for others, please let me know.


Mark said...

ShadeStudios sounds good to me. Keep up the good work.

Courtney said...

I like Fugoso or Ohote. I don't know what they mean, but I'm all about simple. Don't forget that you're making me assistant (to the) regional manager when this thing gets going :)

Lisa said...

ShadeStudios. I like it because I can pronounce it. We'll still be here for you when you get rich.

Adam said...

Saumbee. Catchy. Not cumbersome. Sounds like a hip internet company to me. And it doesn't have a form of the word 'shady' in it. That would be bad for business.

Rickterscale said...

I don't like any of them. With the exception of VentureJ2, they all sound like companies run by 19 year old college students with long hair who smoke dope.
You ask for an opinion, you get it.
I'd go with something less cool or hip and more professional or expressive of what you do, since I'm assuming your target market is professionals. Maybe throw the word Consulting or Development or something like that at the end of it.
But that's just the opinion of a marketing DROPOUT.

Dee Lisonbee said...

Considering who the founders are I would lean toward something like J2 Enterprizes or J2Ventures but barring that ShadeStudios sounds like something you could adapt a logo to fairly well and as you grow a logo could be a fun calling card for you guys if you didnt want to spell out the whole name of your company ---good

Stephanie said...

I actually like the original better than any of the others... . The others, to me, seem complicated and the ones that aren't complicated, like ShadeStudios and SwellFishStudio sound like photography studios to me. Ohote sounds like an indian reservation, SouthwestSwell makes me think of telephone companies and Saumbee sounds too much like Zombee. Out of the others, I'd have to either go for VentureJ2 or the original iTourAccess. Anyway, there's my take on it. Good luck with the company! That's exciting!

Tamara said...

I'm not going to lie, I liked Saumbee. Then when I said it out loud, it reminded me of how the south americans used to say Lisonbee. It sounded like lisSAUNbee. Heh heh. I also like the image of you and Joe being 19 year old college kids wth long hair smoking dope. Or crack. With Teacher.

Lisa said...

So, I just want to say that I'm really impressed (REALLY impressed) with the kind of honesty one can get in this family. Maybe this is why we never put our baby's name up for a vote. But seriously (and Courtney, I'm going to get serious now - serious), it's nice to have so many honest opinions. So while we're at it, even though I liked ShadeStudios the best, I did think it sounded like a photo studio and I did consider what would happen if a foreigner tried to pronounce it "shady"'re going to go internat'l, right?

Courtney said...

Don't listen to Rickterscale, he's just jealous he's not making bank off smoking pot with teacher. Aren't we all... Also, as Assistant Regional Manager I must intervene on this ShadeStudios idea. It 1) sounds "shady" and 2) sounds like a blinds business. I do like Saumbee though, I missed that one before. I'm thinking you combine one of your pot head names with your previous name and then you'ld have the best of both worlds. (Ex: Saumbee itours or Fugoso itours, etc...)

derwhiz said...

Well from the comments, it seems quite obvious that some of yu'all (which for the uninitiated is Tex'n) have been smoking crack without the teacher. I definitely would stay away from the Indian sounding term as well as some of the other obscure terms per Rick and go with something that clevly foreshadows the ingenious service you provide.