Friday, January 18, 2008

Look what I found...

They look sooo little! I came across these the other day while looking through a bunch of old pictures. The first one, I still remember, is Kenzie wanting to give Brandon a hug or kiss and Brandon yelling NOOOOO! I love the look on Kenzie's face!


Michelle said...

That is adorable! The shirt that mackenzie is wearing is in Malia's drawers right now! They grow so fast!

Stephanie said...

I know, they grow up too fast! The other day Brandon was watching a movie there were some toy commercials that came on... he says to me, "Mommy, I don't think commercials are good for little children because there are too many things I see that are tempting for kids like me." I didn't know what to say to that. lol He sounded like a little grown-up when he said it!

Courtney said...

Ha ha, the looks on both their faces are priceless. Brandon is terrified of Kenz kissing him and Kenz is so not amused with his refusal. Classic.

Katie L. said...

I so miss those big bubba lips! Man it's been a long time since I saw those! Anyone remember when she was about 18 mo or so and used to growl? Kristin? I loved that. Great pics Steph!