Wednesday, January 23, 2008

the baby

Here Michelle, I hope you're happy now! If you were here I'd bring him to you every day, baby hog. As if I had a choice!

Do you love the lizard belly or what?


Michelle said...

Yeah for chubby babies. I want to squeeze his little chubby arms right now...thanks for the pictures. Now bring him over so Jake and Carter can teach him to be a real man...

The Queen said...

Hehe, he is so cute!!!!!!

Tamara said...

He is DANG cute. I love their little taut bellies. Just makes you want to play drums on it, doesn't it? Keep the photos coming. I can't wait to meet the kiddo.

Stephanie said...

Oh my goodness, he's such a cutie!!! He looks like he's grown-up a lot in that first photo. Great pics!

This is off subject, but wanted to let ya guys know that the Cochran blog is no longer set to private, so you're welcome to drop by and leave comments if you'd like! I post a lot of pics of the kids on there too so I don't hog the Lisonbee blog with pics of my kids... so, stop by and visit sometime!

Dale said...

So why don't you feed the poor kid. He's withering away.

I have a new nickname for him:

The little general. (Justin, you know where that comes from.)

Courtney said...

Wow. I know I was up for holding him every second of every day when I was there the last time but I'm not sure I'm strong enough to do that anymore... I'm going to have to start working out more before my next visit.

ps Kate, I might be an assistant office manager for a security systems company this summer in Denver. Its a definate maybe as of now, but I'm really hoping it works out so I can come play with you and the kids!

Carrie L said...

Katie, he is so adorable! Are your arms killing you?

Matty said...

I guess we know he is not one of those starving kids in Africa. Wow, look at that belly. And he actually looks like he has some hair too, more than Sarah, thats for sure. He is a cute baby. I can't wait to meet him some day.

Dee Lisonbee said...

Kate, as usual, you've outdone yourself. He is darling, as are his sisters, and he has his own look - kind of like a little boy-yeah for you and yours. He is precious and you can bring him to my house any day - I'll be happy to skip work and play with him.