Saturday, January 5, 2008

Theusen's New Year's Party - The Dallas Campus

The way I see it, it's not New Year's if we don't have Mom's chocolate chocolate chocolate cake. So, here's Dale showing off his first taste of the goodness. Isn't he lovely?
But no, it's not good enough for me to bring Mom's brownies to the event. Stephanie busted out and made a HOMEMADE banana cream pie. Oh yeah, rolled out the dough and everything. I made Adam watch the Rose Parade and we watched a ton of football and we called it a day.
Except for this. Yeah, the game watching was interrupted by the Marshmallow Gun war that Adam and Brando waged. Notice Adam's predatorial stealthy pose.
And notice Brandon's complete and utter lack of fear. Check out the confidence of this warrior!
Of course, Adam would call uncle every couple of rounds to reload with the help of Brooke. We had a great time. Hope you guys kicked off the New Year the way it was intended to be done. Going Sumo - eating all day and sitting around watching football. Happy New Year!


Michelle said...

Good thing the food was good because the majority of the games SUCKED!

Tamara said...

I was trying to forget that part. For crying out loud, I wore ORANGE! Do you have any idea how wrong it is for someone with my coloring to wear orange? Honestly! And then the team had to further humidify me by practgically laying down and taking the beating.

j-liz said...

My New Years was almost as fun. We had great food and great company. Unfotunately I spent 8 hours of the day studying for section 3 of the CPA that I took on the 2nd. That's right, no football on New Years. Not one single game. I am pretty sure that is a federal offense. But, I did watch Kansas prove they aren't just a baketball school anymore. Here's hoping that UCLA can do that next year.