First, the Trunk or Treat. Elizabeth was Abby Cadabby (from Sesame Street.)
It was cold that night so Natalie was a flamingo. (And she would NOT let me take a decent picture of her!)
The girls got WAY too much candy.
On Halloween, Elizabeth and I carved her pumpkin from the pumpkin patch and made her first Jack-O-Lantern. She picked the face out all by herself from a bunch of samples on the internet.
We went trick or treating at the outlet mall by our house that afternoon with Elizabeth's 3 quasi brothers. She liked being Abby so much she wanted to do it again.
That day was unseasonably warm so Natalie was Tinkerbell.
And she was still not interested in letting me take a decent picture of her.
Here's Elizabeth and her entourage. Do you love the mario and luigi costumes because I did.
Elizabeth did not want to take her nap on Halloween so I didn't make her...and this is what she looked like on the way home from the outlets. It was only 5:30 pm.
She woke up in time for dinner and decided she wanted to trick or treat at the neighbor's house and like 5 others. It worked out great. That was plenty for Natalie's attention span. Evidently she was over being told what a cute Tinkerbell she was.
Hope yours was great too!