Finding a toddler size Maleficent costume is essentially impossible so I
had no choice but to make one. After months of trying to figure out
how to do it, Mom came to AZ in August and we knocked version #1. Then
in late September I came across an original Maleficent pattern on Etsy.
So, I had to get it. I went to California the first week of October
for Kenzie's fall break and mom and I knocked out version #2 of this
costume. So awesome! Wish the mask fit a little better... but all in
all it turned out great! Thanks mom for all your help! 
Check out that awesome cape lining! Mom you are just amazing- I really couldn't have done it without you. Charlie had a really cute, full black tulle dress to wear underneath her cape, but she said it was too itchy and pretty much went ballistic when I tried to put it on her. So she just wore tights and a leotard underneath instead... Anyone need a big, fluffy tulle dress in a size 2????
My friend Aimee told me about a cute little pumpkin patch not too far from my house. It took me forever to finally take the girls there. I took them on Halloween day. There was a cute train ride, hay mazes, animals to feed, little jumpers and a few games to play- totally geared at young kids and very inexpensive (aka Charlie and Josie were free!). Pumpkins were 3-5$. Can't beat that. It's my new favorite pumpkin patch (besides Lombardi's which isn't in this state). This is my most favorite pic of Charlie- probably because you can see her face. She hates the camera and will turn away anytime she sees it. I have lots of pics of the back of her head (grrr!!!)Josie's favorite part (besides here lollipop) was feeding the goats. She loved when the goat licked the food right off her hand. She would giggle and giggle. Don't worry fans, there was plenty of hand sanitizer there ; )
Stinker Josie kept trying to pull the pumpkins from the bottom of the pile and would get so frustrated when she couldn't pick them up. I found it rather amusing so I snapped this pic- I'm a mean mom, what else can I say.
We hope you all had a fun Halloween. I'm not gonna lie, I'm glad it's over. Ready for a holiday that doesn't involve me making 3+ costumes...