Monday, February 20, 2012

Happy Birthday Josie!!!

I always hate when birthdays come because we have no family here to celebrate with... This year we were lucky enough to have Courtney here for Josie's big day. Josie was actually sick on her birthday, Stephen was out of town and the boys were with their mom so we postponed her birthday celebration until everyone could be there. So Saturday morning we had a little brunch with Stephen's brother Nathan and his family....

We got started late (big surprise) and apparently Josie got tired of waiting so she raided the pantry and found her favorite snack... Mini Nilla Wafers. In fact, we ran out of crackers that day so for the next 2 days she kept grabbing my box of panko bread crumbs (which is the same color) and would sit down on the floor of the pantry and try to tear the box open. She would throw a fit every time we took the box away from her. Needless to say, Courtney and I replaced the box of Nilla Wafers today.
Josie on her birthday throne. Yes I did make a tutu for her high chair tray. Thank you PINTEREST for the idea!
So I may have lit a candle in the center of the pancakes and placed it on her tray so we could sing Happy Birthday to her... and she may have reached right out and touched the flame before we could even start singing... She WOULD NOT touch her pancakes until that candle was removed.
Then she went to town! She ate every last little scrap of food on her plate.
And after brunch it was time for her to open her present... Thanks Nana and Papa! As usual, the car was a huge hit! And perfect size. Her feet already touch the floor.

Friday, February 10, 2012

My latest project

For a few years I've had this 20" x 40" poster commemorating UCLA's last defeat of USC (and I say last in both senses of the word - this was the most recent time it happened, and at the rate things are going probably won't ever happen again), but never found a design I liked for a frame until now. This frame is made up of 170-plus individual pieces of mahogany plywood glued together, with bevels cut around the edges to show a little of the lighter plywood underneath. The result is a brick and mortar effect reminiscent of the red brick buildings of UCLA campus. It was a fun project that took a long time, cutting, routing, and gluing up all those pieces.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Check us out!

We had some family pictures done a couple weeks ago...and here's some samples..

My boys...

Me and the girlies...I hope some day they know how long I wanted a daughter of my own. And they are everything I hoped for (and then some, think spice, lots of it)

And all together now...I know it sort of looks like Malia is being strangled, but I love it!

Rick and I make some beautiful kids. We should have 10 more....or not.