Friday, February 10, 2012

My latest project

For a few years I've had this 20" x 40" poster commemorating UCLA's last defeat of USC (and I say last in both senses of the word - this was the most recent time it happened, and at the rate things are going probably won't ever happen again), but never found a design I liked for a frame until now. This frame is made up of 170-plus individual pieces of mahogany plywood glued together, with bevels cut around the edges to show a little of the lighter plywood underneath. The result is a brick and mortar effect reminiscent of the red brick buildings of UCLA campus. It was a fun project that took a long time, cutting, routing, and gluing up all those pieces.

1 comment:

Tamara said...

Rick, that is amazing. I want one for my house. And not just to prove to my unbelieving husband that there really was a day when UCLA actually was capable of putting one in the W column.

If you're looking for any last minute Christmas ideas...