Tuesday, June 5, 2012

They're messing with me

Squirrels have been stealing our fruits and veggies again, including apples from my apple tree.  So I set up two traps and placed in each trap the uneaten portions of apples that the squirrels already got to.  Yesterday I checked the traps and found that a squirrel deftly removed the apple from one trap without triggering it, and placed the bait in the second trap, triggered the trap, and then escaped, leaving the second trap with two apples and NO SQUIRREL.  Those dirty, disease carrying, dirt eating, inbred, beady eyed, thieving, varmint loving, hole digging, rotten sons of rodents!!!  I swear they're just toying with me.  But mark my words - the last laugh will be mine.  Just this week the developer started tearing up the open field where they live in preparation for the next phase of the housing development.  Yes, we'll have more neighbors soon.  But those nasty critters will soon be out on the street.  Justice at last!!


Lisa P said...

Um, maybe you should watch Caddyshack and get some tips from Carl Spackler....

Katie L. said...

Holy freak! Where's the Tylenol? Tried a bb gun? It's Justin's favorite way of dealing with the ducks in our pool.