Saturday, March 2, 2013

This one's for me...

It's been awhile. But this week, I had an unusual experience (for me, anyway) and I wanted to write about it. Since no one reads this blog anymore, I figure it's a safe place. Thursday was a special day for us. Bella turned 10. My beautiful daughter has officially entered the tween years. I had worked three 12's the previous three days. And maybe that's the reason I was feeling so grateful to have the whole day to prepare for her birthday. I made her requested breakfast (also unusual for me), shopped for her and picked up her cake and ordered the pizza for her friend party at the local trampoline place. Throughout the day, I reflected on the months prior to her birth. Rick was in lawschool, I had a toddler and a baby at home...and another baby was coming. I had resigned myself to the fact we would have all boys. In my 7th month of pregnancy, we learned she was a girl. But I didn't believe it. I couldn't allow myself to believe it, because I wanted it sooo bad. I remember frantically asking the moment whe was gone, what is it? What is it? My mom, also my L&D nurse looked at me and said in a very duh! tone...It's a girl, just like they told you. And then, the tears flowed. Interestingly, it was the only time I ever cried at a delivery. Not that I was any less excited or happy with my other children, but I had not allowed myself to hope until she was in my arms. I looked at her and melted. My dreams had come true. Those next two days in the hospital, when I was alone, she was always in my arms. I didn't want to set her down. I was in heaven. And I continued to cherish and adore her. She was always dressed so adorable with something in her hair so people would know whe was a girl. I remember my excitement when I could finally put pigtails in her hair. She was so beautiful. Fast forward 10 years. She is still the most beautiful girl. She is smart, so smart. She is kind and generous. Just today we were shopping, spending her birthday giftcards and she spent about half her money on a gift for Aunt Courtney's wedding and one treat for each of the kids. This is routine for her...she always buys something for her siblings, even when they aren't being very nice. At Christmas time, we donated money as a family to a children's cancer Christmas. She freely gave every penny she had to the cause and recruited a friend of hers to donate as well. She isn't afraid to share the gospel and invite her friends to church. She is wise beyond her years, almost like an old soul. She looks out for others. She has a friend who she met shortly after moving to Fresno. They went to preschool together. In elementary school, this child has struggled with friends. Bella always makes sure he has someone to hang out with and that he's included. She does this all on her own because she genuinely is concerned for others. I have been very blessed with such a wonderful daughter. Make no mistake about it, she is a sassy one. She is confident and sure of herself. She knows what she wants and she'll let you know. She is strong. So as she enters her teenage years, I hope I will always remember her 10-year-old self. She is such a blessing in our family and I will be forever grateful we have been blessed to be her earthly parents.


Tamara said...

I. Love. Bella. I will remember the day she was born as long as I live. You are a lucky mom.

Courtney said...

I was about to get on here and write "I love Bella" but I see Tamms has beat me to it. I do though, she's constantly teaching me lessons - mostly to be less selfish and less self-absorbed. What an amazing little girl, just like her rockstar mother!