Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Add insult to injury...

My pinky toe is probably the ugliest thing ever...it just got uglier...and IT HURTS! YOu can't really tell from the picture but it is has doubled in size and the bruise extends up my foot and to the next toe...you should see what it looks like in between the toes! NASTY! Flip flops are my shoe option for the next little while...Why am I such a clutz?


jennifer said...

so i meant to tell you last night... lizzie broke her pinky toe - remember her purple cast? and it looked JUST LIKE YOUR PICTURE! i think your toe is broken! it was bruised the night she broke it (we didn't do anything for her because we thought she was just being a sissy. great parenting right there.) the next day it was super swollen and even more bruised. maybe make a dr's appt?

Kristin said...

What'd you do to it??? If it bruised within a few hours of the injury, you can pretty much guarantee it's broken. But, unfortunately they won't do anything about it- but maybe tape it to the other toe for immobilization. And don't worry about ugly toes- my pinky toes look like vienna sausages they've been broken so many times! LOL!

Lisa said...

You have me busting up because your foot looks a LOT like mine! Two weeks ago today actually I ran into the wall and probably broke my pinky toe too. The green bruise is in the same place, and you're right, don't even look between the two. I contemplated going to the doctor over and over because I couldn't move it for about a week, but now we're on week two and the swelling has finally gone away! Use this as an excuse to put your feet up!

Katie L. said...

Ow. I broke a pinky toe once, it HURT!!! It was sore for a while, sorry Michelle. How did you do that?

(For a minute I thought that was going to be Ricks foot and it was from the marathon! Then I remembered--Rick has hairy feet!)