Monday, January 24, 2011


My neurotic pet peeves-you know you want to know...
1. Mouth sounds-especially chewing. SICK!!!
2. Stuff on my counter. Just don't unless you don't want it anyore. I will dispose of it immediately.
3. Unfinished projects. If I start it I will finish in a timely matter.
4. Lost stuff. I will neurotically search until I find it and be completely obsessed until I do.
5. Stupid ?'s. Your teacher lied. There are stupid questions that do notmerit an answer.
6. Flakiness. If you say you will so something or be somewhere, then DO IT!!

Now of you want to tick me off, I have just td you how. So don't!


Lisa P said...

I can totally get behind all but #3! I am the queen of unfinished projects. Maybe you need to come over and perform an intervention!

Kristin said...

For a minute there, I thought I wrote this in my sleep last night. Especially #1-- I CANNOT stand the sound of other people eating. CAN'T!!!

Tamara said...

Adam was quite amused reading this post. Each time Adam read off one of the items, I felt myself doing the Courtney electrocuting someone zzzzzzzzzzttttt. Counter clutter? PEOPLE EATING?!?!?!?! MAKE IT STOP!