Monday, June 13, 2011

Kids these days...

Carter: (after watching a commercial for Toddlers and Tiaras) What is that?
Bella: That's the show where the moms rip the kids' eyebrows off...

Huh? Then I thought about is somewhat true. The moms do wax the girls' eyebrows...but that's all she thinks of when she sees that?


Malia (talking to me): Mom, remember when I first stopped sucking my thumb at Jennifer Davy's? Wait no, before that, when I did a really good job...wait no, before than, remember when...Wait, let's start at the top.

(Seriously? Start at the top? You are 6!)


Rickterscale said...

So what was Malia working up to? I assume she was asking for something.

Tamara said...

It's true. I saw that episode. they waxed a six year old's eyebrows. Just wrong, folks. Just sayin.