Sunday, July 24, 2011


So...I'm kind of ticked at the kiddies at this exact moment, but that doesn't change the fact that they really are good kids...and I am grateful...

This past couple of weeks during my recovery, Malia has been especially clingy. She likes to be with me all the time. The other day, she came up to me and started stroking my face and my hair and asked if I was feeling better. I told her that I was, and she said, "Oh good. I love you mom. You're the best mom in the world." So sweet.

Bella is a very sweet girl, by nature (when she's not sassy). She had a few dollars to spend at the dollar store and she insisted that I take her before Jake's birthday. She then bought Jake and Carter each a birthday present, something for Malia, and something for her. She is very generous with her money, not just this time, but all the time. She always buys something for one of her siblings when she has a few dollars to spare.

Jake went on his first real "scout camp." He's not quite 12 yet, but our friend Jeremy took him with a couple of his buddies. When he got home, he just couldn't wait to sit down and tell us all about it. It was late at night, but I enjoyed listening to his adventures, and couldn't help but wonder when he wouldn't want to sit down and talk to us any more...I know it's coming, but so far, he still likes us.

Malia was very jealous of Carter who was having a sleepover at Sammy's house this week. I do not like sleepovers, and she is so young, I didn't want her to have one. So, I told her she could have a sleepover with me, and she actually agreed! WE watched toy story together and then she slept on the floor in my room. In the morning when she woke up, she climbed in bed with me and we watched cartoons together. Then, we watched Selena Gomez and Taylor Swift music videos together. Again...I know there will come a time when hanging out with me is the last thing she wants to do, but for now, she loves it.

Walking into church today, Malia and Carter were both holding my hand. Carter will be 10 in a few days, but that boy loves his mama. Wonder if that will change soon too!

I'm not supposed to lift anything more than 10 lbs. The boys have been so great about carrying everything for me. They are so sweet about it. Carter even opens the door for me! They are good boys.

Jake got a weight lifting bench for his birthday today. He was so excited. I can't wait to see him lifting those weights...Since I caught him one time lifting weights in his bed, hiding from us, I know he is excited about it. The start of many years of weight lifting, I'm sure...

Carter has been off the pump for awhile while we try to get his blood sugar under control. He is really good about getting shots. When it was time to put his pump back in, he was very anxious about getting that sight in. Apparently, I didn't push it in hard enough, so he basically had a needle poking in and out of his skin until a couple hours later when I took it out completely...poor kid. Later that night, I tried it again, this time getting it in all the way, and when I was done, he said, "Thanks mom" and gave me a hug. He is a champ, that one.

Anyway, my kids are good sometimes when I'm feeling annoyed with them, it's good to write things down so I remember all the good things that they do...I really am enjoying this summer. It's the first summer when I feel like summer is flying by!

1 comment:

Tamara said...

I'm so glad you posted that. I'm so far away that I feel like I miss so much and then I read what you wrote and realize those kids are the same kids I used to live up the street from. Just a little bigger now.

And it's a good reminder to me to write down more of the adorable things my kids do. I know they'll want to hear about it someday too.

And also, it's secretly nice to know that there's another mom out there secretly loving that her kids won't leave her alone because she knows too that someday she'll wish they didn't want to leave her alone so much.

We miss you guys!