Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Morning prayer...

School has started. Thank goodness!!! So, Malia and I hang out all day. The rules are a little different when it's just her and I. (Don't tell the other kids). So, her morning family prayer went something like this..."Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for this day, help the kids have a good day at school, help me to go to preschool someday, help me to eat a popsicle after the kids go and not tell them about it, bless me to play Bella's princess game on the wii and she won't know about it, help mom to take me somewhere to get a treat and I'll eat it before the kids get home, in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen."

Uh....i guess she doesn't get the part about not telling her brothers and sister about what we do doing the day.


The Queen said...

That is so classic!! I would love to have seen the other kids' expressions. I'm going to try to call you later. If I haven't by tonight CALL ME!!!!

Kristie said...

That is hilarious!!

Tamara said...

perhaps you suggest that malia give "how to win friends and influence people" a read. just a suggestion.