Monday, August 16, 2010

Do we really sing THAT bad?

So we are having FHE tonight, and I decide to use the "Life in Christ" binder and tell the kids a couple stories from it because I don't feel like they know enough about Jesus when he was alive on the earth.

After opening prayer, we (mostly me and Stephen because Mackenzie is too cool to sing and the boys don't know the song) sing "Tell Me the Stories of Jesus". It is one of my favorite primary songs from way back when I was in Primary. Well, we are only on the second line and Charlie (who was previously happy) bursts into tears. All I have to say is, do we really sing THAT bad? I mean, I know no choir director is going to come knocking on my door begging me to join- no matter how short they are on choir members, but does my out of tune pipes really bring tears to my baby's eyes?!?!


Rickterscale said...

Yes. Nuf said.

Michelle said... that really a question you want an answer to????

Tamara said...

May I remind you..."The flowers that you gave me are just about to die..." Yep. That was you.

You're not alone though. I was watching the home movie of Elizabeth's birthday party last year and heard myself singing (since I was manning the camera) and...well...I wish I'd just have kept my mouth shut. I about burst into tears and it was ME singing!

Carrie L said...

Who knows, maybe she was moved by the spirit!

Kristin said...

Aw Carrie, you're too kind.