Sunday, October 31, 2010

Thanksgiving for our missionary

I am preparing a thanksgiving package with turkey (jerky), cornbread mix, bacon bits, pkg mashed potatoes, pkg raspberry jello, canned raspberries , pkg dream whip, stuffing mix, canned green beans, toasted onion rings, napkins, paper plates etc and of course a note of how thankful I am for her decision to serve and just for her in general. Any ideas what else I could put in.....all help would be most appreciated. I am trying to keep it light and have some fun while providing some thanksgiving trimmings for her to enjoy. You are welcome to send anything you think would be fun to her directly or to me to be included in the package. I will mail it sometime mid november when I am sure her address wont change again. She is awaiting changes next week and doesnt know whether she is leaving or staying so I am holding off until I get her next letter to send anything but letters or emails. Thanks for all the support you give her, she loves you all very much. Love you.

1 comment:

Ginger said...

How about pumpkin chocolate chip cookies? Yum!