Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Chubby vs Pregnant

SCENE: The McDonald's counter

It's after 1 p.m. and I'm ordering lunch for Kol, Charlie and I after spending 4 hours making caramel pretzels for the Ward Relief Society Christmas Program this coming Thursday. Kol is in the play area. I sat Charlie on the counter so I could dig through my bottomless pit of a diaper bag and find my wallet.

FOREIGN EMPLOYEE: She's so cute! How old is she.

ME: Almost a year

FOREIGN EMPLOYEE: Do I even ask? Are you just chubby or are you pregnant again?

ME: (considering on telling her I'm just fat...) No, I'm pregnant again. Almost 7 months.

FOREIGN EMPLOYEE: Me- I have just one girl. Then she said something about children being a blessing, but I can't remember since I'm still taken back that she ACTUALLY just asked me that!

Have I mentioned lately how much I enjoy being pregnant? (I hope you can all taste the sarcasm on this one!)


Tamara said...

What a crack up! I just LOVE how people think pregnant people are a license to say everything that is otherwise socially inappropriate.

Rickterscale said...

May be a cultural thing, probably mo offense intended. I remember from my mission in Brazil, it wasn't offensive at all to call someone, basically, a fatty. In fact, when I came home and stepped off the plane, my first words upon seeing my family waiting for me was, "Wow, you all got fat!"