Friday, May 20, 2011

Step by step...

Okay folks, by now, y'all are probably aware that I have joined the ranks of the Tamster and I am gluten free. No big deal. It was a difficult transition for about two weeks and then I was over it and feeling better. I think the Lord likes to teach us things line upon line and this is one of those things. I am now gluten free casein free (dairy free). I could go into a big long explanation but who really wants to hear about those pesky digestive issues anyway. I have to SUCKS! I try not to be a complainer about the whole gluten thing because I don't want people to make their plans around what I will or won't eat. That makes me uncomfortable. I prefer to fly under the radar, if you will. However, this no dairy is crap, I tell you. No more of my beloved Greek Yogurt and worst of all, no more cheese. BLAST those cows! Well, technically, I guess it's not their fault. So, I did have an amusing experience force feeding the kiddies the soy yogurt that I took one bite of and wondered why they had mixed mustard into my yogurt. SICK people...So, I made all the kids try it so I could watch some good reactions and they did not disappoint. The only thing that was better was making the kids try my chocolate gfdf protein powder mixed into the soy milk. Seriously people, it was like you were downing muddy water with sand floating around. PRICELESS reactions. I don't think they'll be stealing any of my food any time soon. On the positive side, I do like almond small on cereal. Like with gluten, it's just better if I can eat whole foods that are naturally gfcf.

So, my goal for the summer is to figure out how to make some of my favorite barbeque sauce and bread crumbs and salad dressing that are gfcf so I can have something to eat. For the love! I am hungry people...really hungry. And I think the ultimate goal for me is to find chocolate that is gfcf. Once I have succeeded in those things, i will be happy and content. Until then, thank heavens it's summer and there are so many fantastic fruits and veggies in season and sold on every other corner by my house! Love those farmers!!!

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