Friday, October 23, 2009

A little unconventional, I know...

But when has that ever stopped me? Every year on this day, I find myself getting really nostalgic and revelling in some of my great memories of Grandma Vivian. It occurred to me the other night that some of our younger readers might not have the luxury of looking back on their memories of Grandma because they were too young to remember. So, I thought we could do a birthday tribute of sorts for Grandma this year and think back to some of our greatest and most endearing memories of her.

Though I haven't practiced in ages, I remember Grandma teaching me to knit. We were at her house in Canyon Country I think, and I was in her big overstuffed rocker. I thought for sure I'd be knitting blankets and mittens in no time... not so much. I'm still sad I've forgotten how to do it.

I remember the Easter that Grandma came over and had made for each of us a Faberge type easter egg out of sugar with and entire easter scape inside, bunny and all. I remember being simultaneously confused and disturbed when mom tried to explain to us that they were just pretty to look at and that we weren't supposed to eat them. It was made of pure sugar and icing. What on earth do you mean we don't eat that??? They were an amazing artistic feat, though. I can't imagine how she ever did that or where she found the time or patience.

I also remember how Grandma cooked everything in the microwave. At sleepovers, she'd make us steak in the microwave for dinner and then eggs in the microwave for breakfast... and I for one thought they were delicious. And the hot dog steamer? Mmmm. Soggy bread never tasted so good. I think we can all see where I get my cooking prowess and unrivaled microwave ninja powers. I remember the smell of her house and the green and yellow sheets on the guest bed in her room. I remember Schotzy (sp?) and her(his?) nub of a tail.

How about her porcelain dolls? I just loved the one she made for me. She had long brown hair and blue eyes and I was absolutely convinced that she looked just like me. I was in Jo-Annn's the other day and saw googly eyes and remembered all of Grandma's googly eyed dolls. I honestly wish I still had mine.

I remember there was one time when she colored her hair a different color than we were used to. In my memories, I can only see her with red hair but that day she arrived with dark brown tresses. She showed up at our house for a visit and nobody recognized her. We all went in to tell Mom that there was a strange lady in our house. Mom thought it was hilarious!

Kristin, do you remember when we decided we didn't want to stay at softball practice so we took off and walked to Grandma's? What was the big fuss about? Just because 2 pre teen girls decided to walk alone across town to Grandma's house without telling anyone? What? At least it's not broken yet! I don't see the big deal!

And, like all grandmas, she let us get away with just a little bit more than we probably would have been allowed at home. I recall that she let me put olives (because what little kid doesn't think that's fun?) on my fingers when mom wasn't looking and she let me do it as much as I wanted. Once, she stuffed the olives with cream cheese and I thought she was like the next iron chef america. It was da da da licious! And she seemed to always have candy on her. In her purse, around the house, whatever. I can still hear her laugh in my head. I can still hear her voice, but it's funny how when I remember her voice, I can only hear her saying Mom's name. She always called her Dee Dee and I don't think I've heard anyone call Mom that in years. And have any of you noticed that Mom now says goodbye just like Grandma used to when she gets off the phone? I don't know when she made the switch from how she used to do it to how she does it now, but it's fun to hear a little memory of Grandma when I talk to her.

So happy birthday, Grandma. We miss you lots but we know you're never far.

Anyway, because I'm the sentimental sap of the family, I could go on and on and on and on but that's probably enough from me. What sentimental memories do you guys have of Grandma?


Kristin said...

What a great idea Tammy! First of all, let me just say I'm a loser for not posting on your birthday. I'll get to that I promise. But Grandma Vivian was good times.

I remember sleeping over at her house and being all excited to get to sleep on the "hideaway" bed, with the pink blanket that had burgandy velvet trim. We were so excited when she would take us to McDonalds. I remember when Justin and I were able to polish off our first Big Mac. We thought that was such an accomplishment! And her steamed hot dogs were surprisingly yummy.

Michelle, I was just wondering if u want to Fondue at Grandma's house again??

Remember that one time at dinner when dad said "would everyone pass the table down to grandma". He was always so good to her! LOL!

And Dale and Michelle, I'm sure you'll remember this- Grandma was driving us somewhere and we had to turn around and come home because she had an "accident" in her pants. Ok, it's not that funny, but when you're a kid- body functions are amusing.

I did so love the porcelain dolls she made. Though cooking might not have been her specialty, she was certainly talented in other areas. I love looking at old pics of her, the dancer. They are truly beautiful.

And who can forget the BELL?? Mom was an amazing care taker for grandma while she was living with us. And grandma's pain meds make her a little crazy... "who's banging on the walls!?!?!" Um... no one...

Dale said...


The first thing I thought of was that "accident". I still remember the high pitch voice and her hurrying up the stairs at her mobile home. But she didn't make it. The worst part about it is that I used to make fun of her for her incontinence. I also used to make fun of dad's hairline and we all know how that has worked out for me. So, when I am messing my pants as a geezer, I deserved it.

I remember grandma religiously clipping coupons for fast food and stuff and spending her diligenty saved change on us.

I remember feeding the ducks at the pond when she lived in Castaic.

I remember steamed hot dog buns. We thought we were in hogs heaven.

I remember spending the night when we got evacuated from our home for fires in Santa Clarita.

I remember her brining presents to all of us whenever anyone had a birthday. (Sorry younger kids, this stopped by the time you came around.)

Michelle said...

I have great memories of Grandma too...that's why I wanted one of my daughters to be named after her. I remember all of the things you guys have mentioned. but who could forget the candy bar trains at Christmas time? She made them every year. I don't recall ever eating them, but I do recall looking at them. I loved swimming at her trailer park in Canyon Country. She introduced me to the soap opera Days of our Lives. I loved going with her to the clubhouse and getting her "free cheese" (must've been a senior citizen thing or something). I remember her taking me shopping for my birthday and buying me dresses and shoes. I remember playing video games at her house that she had especially for us. We used to love those games. I remember being in her wedding to Grandpa jack. I loved those dresses. I thought I was so beautiful in them. I remember sleepovers at her Templin Highway mobile home and sleeping in her bed and keeping her awake all night. I remember her coming to all our dance lessons and recitals. She even liked us to call her and tell her when General conference was on so she could watch it even though she wasn't a member.

I don't think I knew how lucky I was to have a grandmother that involved in our lives but I do vividly remember the day mom told me that she had cancer. It was a very rough day for me. I was selfish and in my teenage la la land and that brought me back down to reality hard. I'm grateful to be one of the older kids because my memories of her are good. I think about her often, especially around this time of year. I still remember what I wore to her funeral. I don't think I ever wore it after that...

Anyway, Grandma rocked. We were lucky to be her only grandkids...

Dale said...

OK, Michelle jogged my memory. What about those easter eggs she made out of sugar and then decorated the inside?

How about the cakes she could make?

Wasn't it grandma that paid for Justin to take tap dance lessons? Those sequenced vests were GREAT!

j-liz said...

Dude, you guys are a riot. Dale, don't hate on the tap dancing...chicks dig red sequence vests with white cowboy hats, ok?
Grandma was always a blast to hang out with. Sleepovers were the best. I remember being so excited to wake up early and make Grandma her coffee. Maybe that's why I still enjoy the smell of it.
I remember Grandma always hooking us up with Birthday/Christmas presents. She always knew just what we wanted (thanks Mom and Dad for passing the info along.)
Do you guys remember going outside of the mobile home in Canyon Country and watching the Drive-in movies? Of course there was no sound, but I always felt like I was getting away with something by watching a movie that I didn't pay for.
One of my favorite memories was when I was goofing off with Tammy and Kristin at a sleepover and Grandma said "you guys better cut that out or I'll spank you!" For a second I thought, you can't do that, you aren't my parent...then I thought, Grandma (who I was almost as big as at the time)...spank I ran into the other room and started cracking up.
Who can forget the bell ringing. Remember that the last person to be asleep had to answer the bell? As Kristin pointed out, that was often to answer the question, "Who's banging on the wall?" The other request I remember was, "Could you turn off the TV?" (her TV wasn't on) But, I'd point the remote at it and say, "there is that better?"
It was a rough day when Mom picked me up from Arroyo Seco and broke the news to me. We were all very fortunate to have Grandma so close for all those years.

Dee Lisonbee said...

Thanks guys for the memories of my mom - sometimes I think you remember more than I do. It is great to see that she is remembered just as she would want - as the loving grandma who wanted nothing more than to make you guys happy and see you laugh. for those who loved the dolls or sugar eggs - good news, they still exist and someday they will be yours. seriously though - thanks for sharing your memories and making us all smile.