Monday, March 8, 2010

Demented conversations between Mother and Daughter

This is for those of you who understand Kristin (she has no idea I'm posting this).
Background: Charlie drinks a formula blend. We mix formula from two large 32oz canisters, we call "jugs", ones a standard Lipil formula, the other is a Lipil with rice starch to help keep Charlies spit-up to a minimum. We cant give her the straight rice mix because it gives her too much gas. So tonight, Mackenzie decides to help with feeding Charlie....

Kenz: "How do I make her formula?"
Kristin: "Pull out the two jugs".
Kenz: "What jugs?"
Kristin: "Right there, your two jugs, pull them out and feed the baby."
(At this point, I look at Kristin and start laughing, I can see she knows full well what shes saying but Kenz is oblivious to the innuendo).
Kenz: "I cant find them."
Kristin: "What do you mean you can't find your jugs....Fine then pull out my jugs and feed her."
Kenz: "Where are your jugs? I cant find the jugs and whose Jugs should I use."
Kristin: "It doesn't matters whose Jugs, I don't care, just pull out two jugs and feed her."
Kenz: "Are these the jugs?"

Honestly I cant remember the rest, it did continue...I was too busy laughing...Kenz never caught on. Some demented version of "Who's on First".


Tamara said...

One more reason I can't wait to see you, Kraly.

Katie L. said...

a la la la. Only Kristin.

Katie L. said...

PS I love how she calls Charlie "bad baby." I had forgotten how she used to do that to Kenze