Saturday, October 30, 2010

Who you callin' a pig???

OINK OINK OINK... I'm the little piggy with the curly tail! No really, there is a curly tail on the back of that beanie! So for Halloween this year, I decided to make my little piggy... well... a piggy. I couldn't think of anything more fitting for her at this time.

This is how Charlie rolls at the trunk or treat (the fine print says "Please don't feed the animals". A la la la la. Stephen even downloaded piggy noises to my ipod and put the doc station in the wagon (and covered it with the quilt) and blared pig noises as we strolled around the trunk or treat.
That's right folks, Stephen and I got into the holiday spirit as well and dressed up as PIG FARMERS! I even blacked out one of my front teeth (did you know they sell tooth paint specifically for that?). It was quite a conversation piece- some of the girls were very worried for me..."What if it doesn't come off and you show up like that to church tomorrow??"
Needless to say, we were a hit! We even decorated our car for the trunk or treat in the same theme, with scarecrows and hay bales and pumpkins. It was a great night... except for one tragedy... Charlie arrived home with only ONE piggy booty on her foot. The other is MIA. We searched the church parking lot and the baseball fields where the Chili Cook off was, but no luck. Here's hoping someone happened across it and will bring it to us at church tomorrow... sigh...


The Queen said...

Oh. My. Heck. Your mom told me about this tonight, I am so glad you posted pictures! Only you could do pig farmer so cute. Charlie is adorable!!

Katie L. said...

I always want to do something clever for Halloween, but I can never think of anything good. I love your idea! The piggie is adorable, too! I love her pig pen. Good pics.

Dee Lisonbee said...

Awsome---you two are quite a pair and your offspring fits in so well. Seriously, you guys are amazing. Good luck on the piggie bootie.

Tamara said...

That is such an adorable piggy costume. And how do you even manage to pull off being a farmer and making it look cute. You guys are so cute!

Michelle said...

LOVE IT! Now move to Fresno where people wouldn't think you were dressed up. A la la la. Of course, you do live right in front of a dairy farm, don't you???? Hilarious. Save the piggy noises so we can get the full effects at Thanksgiving!