Friday, December 19, 2008
Choice words from Bella
I worked in bella's classroom today. Her teacher told me that a couple days ago, Bella and one other girl sitting at the table with her were wearing red shirts. So, the teacher said to Bella, "Hey, are you guys going to work at Target after this?" (referring to the red shirts target workers wear). Bella looked at the teacher, and then looked at the kid next to her and said, "Like they would let a kid work at Target," rolled her eyes, and kept on doing her work. The teacher said it was like she wasn't even there. Bella didn't even dignify the question with a response...
Thursday, December 18, 2008
To whom it may concern...
I think there has been some confusion. You see, I live in CALIFORNIA, not the arctic. It is freezing cold. I tolerate the almost unbearable heat of summer (generally by spending most of it in a swimming pool) so that I do not have to endure the freezing cold of winter. Today when I was going to pick up Bella (at almost 12:00 noon), the temperature read 38 degrees. That should not be happening. Anything under 60 is totally unacceptable. Could you please fix this problem? My children are not pleased with this either, by the way. Jake wore FIVE shirts to school. He looked like the abominable snowman when he put his jacket on. He couldn't even bend his arms. I understand you (the weathermaker) are very busy, but throw some Christmas spirit our way and TURN UP THE HEAT!
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Drumroll please...
I just submitted my term paper for my speech class. That means that I am completely done with school until I get into the nursing program. I have been doing this since Malia was 3 months old. Crazy. Now what will I do with all the spare time I have????
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Maternal instincts...
So, I have never seen wrestling before because they didn't offer that sport in our school district. Jake decided to join the wrestling team at his school. He only weighs in at 57 lbs. which means a high likelihood of being moved to varsity. There aren't very many kids at that weight, so, they moved him to varsity. I watched his match yesterday and I HATED EVERY SINGLE SECOND OF IT. To his credit, he lasted all three rounds, although he lost in the end. He kept looking up at me in the audience, and then he'd lose his concentration and get flattened. I was holding Malia at the time and I realized that I was squeezing her to death when she said, "Mom, too tight." My blood pressure must've been at a record high for me. After the match which lasted all of three minutes, I wanted to march over and tell him I couldn't handle wrestling and he needed to quit the team. Unfortunately, I was informed that they can't quit or they become ineligible for spring sports. Boo. I seriously wanted to march out on the mat and pick up the kid on top of Jake and toss him. The kid wasn't doing anything wrong, he was just intensely trying to flatten Jake and I DIDN'T LIKE IT. I don't know if I can handle any more wrestling matches. Really, it's two kids in the center of the match and all these parents cheering them on, yelling "Get him down," "On his back, on his back," etc. Just wrong. And to top it off, have you seen the outfits they wear? Humiliating.
Save some $
Not that I am encouraging anyone to eat at McDonalds but now through January 4th you can get coupons for adult tickets. If someone in Cali can grab some its worth $17 per ticket.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Guess who's chubby fingers these are?
In his 15 years as an x-ray tech, the guy said he's never had to x-ray the same finger on both hands. Yes, of course these are Carter's fingers. He hurt the ring finger on both he hit on the banister when he was swinging his arms around wildly and the other he jammed playing basketball...all with 12 hours. They were bruised and swollen enough that I felt like I had to take him in...Carter's not much of a complainer and he doesn't have any pain receptors anyway, so when he wouldn't even use his fingers to take off his shoes or open a door, I took him to urgent care. Two hours later, all he's got is a bad sprain, on both of them...Good luck to his teacher today trying to get him to write...
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Mental notes for today...
1. Vegetarian sausage is repulsive (to everybody except Carter who will eat anything with the word sausage attached.
2. It is okay (according to Carter) to have a pizza party at school, eat his own lunch, and get a free lunch from the cafeteria followed by a note home wondering why you didn't send a lunch with your child.
3. The plastic tops to cool whip containers make excellent frisbees...especially if you throw 8 or 9 of them at once.
4. Wrestling uniforms are called singlets. Malia really likes the look of Jake's bum when he's wearing it.
5. Barbie and the Diamond Castle is much more fun to watch wearing a Cinderella dress and playing Carter's guitar.
Now you know what I learned about you?
2. It is okay (according to Carter) to have a pizza party at school, eat his own lunch, and get a free lunch from the cafeteria followed by a note home wondering why you didn't send a lunch with your child.
3. The plastic tops to cool whip containers make excellent frisbees...especially if you throw 8 or 9 of them at once.
4. Wrestling uniforms are called singlets. Malia really likes the look of Jake's bum when he's wearing it.
5. Barbie and the Diamond Castle is much more fun to watch wearing a Cinderella dress and playing Carter's guitar.
Now you know what I learned about you?
Tuesday, December 9, 2008

It occurred to me that I haven't posted in awhile. I haven't really felt myself lately. I'm sure there are any number of reasons why. Anyway, I was trying to get in the holiday spirit before Thanksgiving and I put in a Christmas CD and one of the songs was "Thank God for kids." It really struck me that Christmas is so much more fun with kids. And so, I've been taking the time to enjoy mine...
I have given my permission to sit down on the couch and watch whatever it is the kids are watching when they request it. I have practically memorized Elf and The Grinch (cartoon version). I have seen Mr. Krueger's Christmas, The Tinkerbell Movie, and Barbie and the Diamond castle more times than I care to remember. But it makes me feel good that the kids still want me next to them.
I have had long conversations with malia about the Grinch. Namely, in the middle of the night when she tells me she's scared of the "green grinch." I haven't gotten upset, I've just laid with her in her bed until she's ready to go back to sleep.
I have allowed the kids to turn all the lights off in the house (in spite of the fact that there is laundry to be done, floors to be mopped and dinner dishes to clean up) so they can play night time lazer tag with their dart guns.
I have let Malia decorate and undecorate the Christmas tree as many times as she wants.
I have read Christmas books to the kids over and over again. Their favorite right now is Merry Christmas Curious George.
I have been the recipient of the cutest voice ever saying "Mewy Cwistmas, Mom" at least a dozen times a day. Whatever you do, don't say "Merry Christmas baby" back, because she will say, "No, you say Mewy Cwistmas Lia."
I have let the kids play with my new nativity scene at will resulting in a few broken off hands and feet, but at least they know what Christmas means at our house.
I have helped kids make Christmas lists over and over again even though I've told them their Christmas shopping is already done.
I've listened to lots of Christmas music. Carter's favorite is "Away in a Manger." Sometimes when we're in the car, I just put it on repeat because he likes to hear it over and over again.
I've said "no" a lot. Don't take that wrong. At Christmas time, there are always many worthy causes for which I could donate time, money, or "stuff." This year, I picked ahead of time what I wanted to participate in and what I didn't, and I've stuck to it. If it's going to stress me out or cramp my syle and it's not absolutely necessary, I'm not doing it. I've decided I do not have to contribute baked goods to every church/school/communicty function. A couple is suffient for me this year.
And, don't be expecting a Christmas card. Judy took a great picture for us. But I just don't have the energy to send a bunch out. So, consider this your Christmas card/update!
Hope everyone is enjoying their holidays. I'm enjoying the simplicity of mine. I know there are many people who are having a rough go right now. I am counting my blessings and praying for those who could use some holiday cheer!
P.S. There's a story behind the picture, but it's better told in person. Gotta love Carter...
Monday, December 8, 2008
HO HO HO Christmas is coming and speaking for those now in Valencia we are anxiously awaiting the arrival of the pilgrimages coming Home for the Holidays. Please drive carefully and let us know if there is anything we can do to make your trip easier, more fun, cheaper, etc etc.
Just a heads up = we have two scheduled activities plus a few "bonding moments".
1. December 24 - 9AM - location to be announced - Judy will be taking family pictures - I am so excited to be able to have these done - Judy has suggested a color theme of creme, brown, and winter red. If this is a problem for anyone please let us know and we will work with you on anything you need - we can borrow or trade clothes if needed. If anyone wants pictures of their own family unit please let us know so we can have Judy do them after the family pictures.
2. December 26 we are going to Knotts for the day. We will be eating at the Chicken Kitchen - or rather eating the food from the chicken kitchen- picnic style - at one of the outdoor eating
places at Knotts. It may be chilly so plan on warm clothes for your family.
We are so excited to see you all ---We love you very much
Just a heads up = we have two scheduled activities plus a few "bonding moments".
1. December 24 - 9AM - location to be announced - Judy will be taking family pictures - I am so excited to be able to have these done - Judy has suggested a color theme of creme, brown, and winter red. If this is a problem for anyone please let us know and we will work with you on anything you need - we can borrow or trade clothes if needed. If anyone wants pictures of their own family unit please let us know so we can have Judy do them after the family pictures.
2. December 26 we are going to Knotts for the day. We will be eating at the Chicken Kitchen - or rather eating the food from the chicken kitchen- picnic style - at one of the outdoor eating
places at Knotts. It may be chilly so plan on warm clothes for your family.
We are so excited to see you all ---We love you very much
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