Saturday, December 13, 2008

Maternal instincts...

So, I have never seen wrestling before because they didn't offer that sport in our school district. Jake decided to join the wrestling team at his school. He only weighs in at 57 lbs. which means a high likelihood of being moved to varsity. There aren't very many kids at that weight, so, they moved him to varsity. I watched his match yesterday and I HATED EVERY SINGLE SECOND OF IT. To his credit, he lasted all three rounds, although he lost in the end. He kept looking up at me in the audience, and then he'd lose his concentration and get flattened. I was holding Malia at the time and I realized that I was squeezing her to death when she said, "Mom, too tight." My blood pressure must've been at a record high for me. After the match which lasted all of three minutes, I wanted to march over and tell him I couldn't handle wrestling and he needed to quit the team. Unfortunately, I was informed that they can't quit or they become ineligible for spring sports. Boo. I seriously wanted to march out on the mat and pick up the kid on top of Jake and toss him. The kid wasn't doing anything wrong, he was just intensely trying to flatten Jake and I DIDN'T LIKE IT. I don't know if I can handle any more wrestling matches. Really, it's two kids in the center of the match and all these parents cheering them on, yelling "Get him down," "On his back, on his back," etc. Just wrong. And to top it off, have you seen the outfits they wear? Humiliating.


The Queen said...

hahaha, luckily there is no wrestling here. cause like you said, have you seen those uniforms??? lol did he have fun?

Tamara said...

I can't imagine although I bet the spectacle of watching you watch Jake was as entertaining to see as the match itself.

It reminds me how mom never missed one of my track meets and yet she never once saw me run the hurdles. Her hands were over her eyes EVERY SINGLE TIME.

Katie L. said...

I bet Jake will soon learn how to be great at wrestling like everything else. And yes, I always hated the onesies. My brother and a couple of my friends wrestled in high school. One time Jeff was trying to make weight and fell down the stairs because he was dizzy from starving himself. What fun, huh?