Tuesday, December 9, 2008


It occurred to me that I haven't posted in awhile. I haven't really felt myself lately. I'm sure there are any number of reasons why. Anyway, I was trying to get in the holiday spirit before Thanksgiving and I put in a Christmas CD and one of the songs was "Thank God for kids." It really struck me that Christmas is so much more fun with kids. And so, I've been taking the time to enjoy mine...
I have given my permission to sit down on the couch and watch whatever it is the kids are watching when they request it. I have practically memorized Elf and The Grinch (cartoon version). I have seen Mr. Krueger's Christmas, The Tinkerbell Movie, and Barbie and the Diamond castle more times than I care to remember. But it makes me feel good that the kids still want me next to them.

I have had long conversations with malia about the Grinch. Namely, in the middle of the night when she tells me she's scared of the "green grinch." I haven't gotten upset, I've just laid with her in her bed until she's ready to go back to sleep.

I have allowed the kids to turn all the lights off in the house (in spite of the fact that there is laundry to be done, floors to be mopped and dinner dishes to clean up) so they can play night time lazer tag with their dart guns.

I have let Malia decorate and undecorate the Christmas tree as many times as she wants.

I have read Christmas books to the kids over and over again. Their favorite right now is Merry Christmas Curious George.

I have been the recipient of the cutest voice ever saying "Mewy Cwistmas, Mom" at least a dozen times a day. Whatever you do, don't say "Merry Christmas baby" back, because she will say, "No, you say Mewy Cwistmas Lia."

I have let the kids play with my new nativity scene at will resulting in a few broken off hands and feet, but at least they know what Christmas means at our house.

I have helped kids make Christmas lists over and over again even though I've told them their Christmas shopping is already done.

I've listened to lots of Christmas music. Carter's favorite is "Away in a Manger." Sometimes when we're in the car, I just put it on repeat because he likes to hear it over and over again.

I've said "no" a lot. Don't take that wrong. At Christmas time, there are always many worthy causes for which I could donate time, money, or "stuff." This year, I picked ahead of time what I wanted to participate in and what I didn't, and I've stuck to it. If it's going to stress me out or cramp my syle and it's not absolutely necessary, I'm not doing it. I've decided I do not have to contribute baked goods to every church/school/communicty function. A couple is suffient for me this year.

And, don't be expecting a Christmas card. Judy took a great picture for us. But I just don't have the energy to send a bunch out. So, consider this your Christmas card/update!

Hope everyone is enjoying their holidays. I'm enjoying the simplicity of mine. I know there are many people who are having a rough go right now. I am counting my blessings and praying for those who could use some holiday cheer!

P.S. There's a story behind the picture, but it's better told in person. Gotta love Carter...


Lisa said...

I'm glad your back and I really loved that post. I don't have anything specific to say about it, but it made me feel good and happy.

jennifer said...

#1 that picture is awesome. it totally captures your kids' personalities. that judy is amazing.

#2 thank you for sharing your excellent parenting tips. it's so easy to get into the hustle and bustle of the season and forget to slow down and enjoy it. i will do better this year. i will i will!

#3 glad to have you back...

Tamara said...

That's a spectacular picture. Your kids are gorgeous, I swear. I can't wait to squeeze each one of them. Your post was a good reminder to me. Thanks for that. I'm going to snuggle Elizabeth a little more, just because I can.

Katie L. said...

Wow, maybe you should come over and run my house too. I'm pretty sure I'm a complete failure as a mother.

I can't wait to see those kids. It might even be worth a 24 hour drive!