Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Mental notes for today...

1. Vegetarian sausage is repulsive (to everybody except Carter who will eat anything with the word sausage attached.
2. It is okay (according to Carter) to have a pizza party at school, eat his own lunch, and get a free lunch from the cafeteria followed by a note home wondering why you didn't send a lunch with your child.
3. The plastic tops to cool whip containers make excellent frisbees...especially if you throw 8 or 9 of them at once.
4. Wrestling uniforms are called singlets. Malia really likes the look of Jake's bum when he's wearing it.
5. Barbie and the Diamond Castle is much more fun to watch wearing a Cinderella dress and playing Carter's guitar.

Now you know what I learned about you?


Ginger said...

Maybe it's the kid of sausage you got. We like it with lots of syrup on it! :-)

jennifer said...

oh man. does that mean your soup was not so good? i hope not.

Dee Lisonbee said...

Michelle I cant thank you enough for sharing the day to day happenings of your kids. I feel like I am so isolated from all of the grandkids that I love so much that when i read the fun things of the day about your kids i feel a little closer. They are wonderful and all their little antics are so special. The blog is like a diary which if printed will allow them hours of fun reading about what they did when they were younger. Kind of takes me back a few years to the times when my house was full of silly kids.