Monday, November 2, 2009

Dallas Halloween

Ash Brittany and Brooke at their preschool Halloween party. They are so cute together, they love seeing each other at school.Nate was a shark, I just loved his costume. Mostly because I like hearing him say, "Shark!"
Emma and her friend Kylie who lives around the corner from us. Kylie practically lives at our house, and comes to lots of activities with us.
Camille picked her costume and then got mad because it was awkward and hard to trick or treat in. She looked so great, but decided to change costumes for Halloween night. (This was taken at our ward party on Friday.)
Ashley was a complete animal at the trunk-or-treat. She must have made ten laps of the parking lot. She had at least double the candy of the other kids, Justin couldn't keep up with her. She had such a great time this year. She decided early she wanted to be a rock star and stuck with it. We sprayed her hair purple, and got her an animal print shirt which she loves. She loved her whole costume and worked it baby! She got it all on and strutted around like a real diva. She even gave a private concert by request to Ms. Jill, the director of her preschool.
You'll all have to bug Tammy for more pictures, and especially of Rosie's adorable costume. Justin and I had stake conference on Halloween night (wasn't stoked about that one but it was a great meeting) so Adam and Tammy graciously watched the kids and took them trick-or-treating. Thanks guys!

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Love the pics...thanks for posting.