Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Did you know babies like age appropriate toys???

For your amusement, this is Charlie licking the airplane window. She has some obsession with licking things, usually my kitchen appliances, the table and the sliding glass door but on this trip she took it to a whole new level licking the floor of the Hertz Rental Car place at the airport. She's got some unidentified lip fungus.... not yet.... but if she keeps this up she just might!

The Texans introduced Charlie to something she had never seen before... AGE APPROPRIATE BABY TOYS!!! She was in heaven! She stayed self entertained for a while playing with those things. Then Stephen and I had an epiphany! Maybe we should buy our baby some toys of her own!

She has toys people! She has rattles, plastic links, stuffed animals, beaded necklaces... OK, so they aren't exactly age appropriate anymore. They were when we bought them 5-6 months ago! We usually just stick her up in the loft and let her play with whatever toys the boys have out- the marble track (minus the marbles), Kol's train sets and plastic tea set, wooden blocks... you know. The usual. But she doesn't stay entertained for long. Wonder why???

So after we got home from Texas, I went to Toys R Us and picked up a couple more appropriate toys for Charlie. Do you think she likes them??


Michelle said...

She is quite possibly the cutest thing ever. I can't wait to see what baby sister looks like! And...just one comment on the toy thing...duh!!!!

Katie L. said...

I just love her! She has the cutest little baby shape. The elbow dimples are too much, and her chubby face! I'm sorry we didn't get to see more of you while you were here.

Dee Lisonbee said...

Every time I see her pictures she gets cuter - seriously, she is so squeezable. It looks like Rosie really took to her - your epiphany on toys is quite amazing. two rather smart parents who obviously are focused on other things - since your house is always so quiet and serene I cant imagine what you would be thinking of besides age appropriate toys.

Tamara said...

She is so dang adorable. I have missed that squishy face since the instant you guys left. come back.