Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Bella's questions...

Bella asked me a couple questions today that were very thought provoking. The first conversation went something like this...

Bella, "Mom, do you like watching us?"
Me: "Watching you do what?"
Bella "You know, watching us, being a mom?"
Me: (While contemplating several responses) "Of course I like watching you. I chose to be a mom because I wanted kids."

I was thinking...that probably isn't a question she should have to ask. She should know the answer to that...and maybe she does, or maybe I need to put on a happy face more often when I'm dragging them out the door to the bus or asking them to do their jobs...

The other question was
Bella: "Mom, why did you choose to come down here?"
Me "Down where? (thinking she might be referring to Fresno or the store we were at or something)?
Bella: Down to Earth?
Me: Because that was Heavenly Father's plan and I wanted to follow Him.
Bella: It's a good thing Malia decided to come down here, huh?

That one just reinforced that she's actually listening when her teachers at church talk or when we learn things here at home. It's funny where their little brains go...we were at WalMart at the time looking for house stuff...nothing that had anything to do with Church.


The Queen said...

I think it's especially sweet what she said about Malia, considering that M almost didn't make it there. ;) Miss ya!

j-liz said...

That is sweet. When we first found out that Katie was pregnant with Nate we asked the girls if they wanted a new baby in our home. The answer, "Noooooooo." I can't remember who said it but it was just like the no you get when telling them its time for bed.

Dee Lisonbee said...

This of course is Heavenly Fathers way of reminding us that we are always being watched and listened to and no matter how big or little the ears are that hear us or the eyes that see us nothing gets by them.........sobering isnt it. You are a great mom so - paste that smile on and keep on with what you do every day - loving them and waiting on them, chauffering them, hugging them etc etc etc.

Dale said...

Mom, I think you forgot to mention snuggling.

Tamara said...

Thanks for that Michelle. I needed that today.