Sunday, January 4, 2009

Justin got busted!

Okay folks. So, I'm sitting at Justin's house tonight and all of us (kids included) had taken turns on Wii fit. During the course of the night, at one point Emma did some yoga moves, poses, exercises or whatever you call them. As Justin and I watched the different options that you could select to move, pose, exercise, etc., we were mocking them. It was pretty funny. As if any self-respecting guy would ever do those.

Well, later in the evening, Katie was doing one of the step exercises. Somehow the topic of yoga came up again. The conversation that followed went something like:

Kate: "Justin, remember that time we turned yoga on the TV and did yoga?"

Justin: (Silence, face turning red, wishing he could disappear).

Kate: "Oh, I wasn't supposed to say that?"

Justin: Uttering some disclaimer like "It was only one time...."

Kate: (Sorry, this one had to be censored.)

Boys and girls, just picture Justin doing the snuzzle.

Mr. "I would never get a pedicure, but I'm happy to do yoga as long as nobody else is watching." Nobody that is, except for the person that busted him.

You should have seen the look on his face. So, let's here it from all you girls out there. Go ahead and list the yoga poses Justin needs to perfect before your next visit. I want to hear your grades of his favorite pastime. :)


Michelle said...

I would love to see a demonstration of one of the "dog" poses...I think it's like up dog or something like that...Oh, and p.s. I found something so awesome at the grocery store for you yesterday. I was returning a video and it was sunday so I couldn't buy it but you better believe I'm going back tomorrow to snatch that baby up. Have I peaked your interest? It's something that goes WAY WAY WAY back.

Dale said...

I'm curious. I'm trying to blow the dust and cobwebs off my brain to figure out what it might be, but I am going to need an industrial strength snowblower or sandblaster to do that. At my age, there is a lot of dust and a lot of cobwebs.

j-liz said...

I am guessing that it is a pink tanktop.

Michelle said...

Justin...the "something" is for you...And Dale, if you like, I can send you a pink tanktop and you can act surprised. Are you surprised Clark????

Adam said...

nursing pads?

Dale said...