Thursday, February 5, 2009

Bella's blogworthy comments...

A couple weeks ago, a conversation like this took place between my friend Kari and Bella.

Kari was holding her extremely adorable baby niece Lucy who was down for a visit. Bella was talking and playing with little Lucy so Kari says, "Isn't she just the cutest baby ever?"

Bella: "Uh....I think maybe the second cutest baby ever."
Keri: "Oh, well who's the first cutest baby then?"
Bella: "Babie Rosie (pronounced Wosie)."


Then today, in the car...

Malia "Bella, don't you wish it was Christmas every day?"
Bella "Yeah, because then we could see our whole family every day."

So adorable. She wasn't even thinking about presents. She was thinking how much she loves seeing her aunts, uncles, cousins and grandparents.

And, one from Jake.
Last night we were at scouts and the boys were all making invitations for grandparents, moms and dads, aunts and uncles, whoever, for the annual Blue and Gold dinner coming up. All the boys were feverishly working and Jake was sitting quietly staring at his finished invitation. The assistant scout mom said, "Jake, aren't you going to make any more?" Jake replied, "I don't have anyone except my mom and dad to invite," (and then he got all teary).

I was sad for the poor kid...the first part of his life, he had grandparents, a cousin, and some aunts and uncles around and now, he doesn't. I hope you are all proud of yourself, now when are you moving to Fresno?


Tamara said...

I always knew I liked Bella. She's so good for my self esteem.

Jake's story makes me so blue! I wish I could have gone to the blue and gold. And if it's any consolation, Katie and I were just talking a couple of days ago about how we miss you guys. Move out here. There's more of us than you.

j-liz said...

Dude that's cold. I'm reading and smiling away at Bella's comments and then you smack us with Jake's. I'm sitting here in my office about to cry now.

I'm going to have to snuggle my Monchichi again.

Courtney said...

I share J's sentiments on this one. Except for after I read his I was laughing again so I forgive you. How about after I graduate I can just be a nomad roaming from city to city, one family member's house to the next? That sound as great to all of you as it did to me when I came up with it? Get your air mattresses ready because after April I'm surprising you like Eddy did to Clark and Ellen in Christmas Vacation :)

Dee Lisonbee said...

Is the Blue & Gold past?