Thursday, February 26, 2009

Brandon's Talk

So, at church on Sunday, Brandon turned to me and showed me his reminder slip that he had to give a talk that day. I had actually heard about that the previous week, but I had forgotten. Oops! Well, the talk was on how Heavenly Father sent us to earth in families, etc. So, I wrote a talk for him. It included a few things, including a line about FHE that read something like, "I like it when we have family home evening because we get to play games and have dessert." So, he read what I wrote for him while we were sitting in Sacrament meeting. When he got to that part, he looked up at me and pointed to that part of the paper and said, "Daddy, I think that part (with his finger on dessert) is a little off topic."

Huh???? Since when is dessert off topic. That is a critical part of FHE.

Anyway, after primary, he told me that he also cut out the part about playing games. All kidding aside, I was impressed. He's a good kid.


Tamara said...
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Tamara said...

Are you telling me that FHE is supposed to include other things besides eating treats?!? They are the star of the show during RHE at our house!

Matty said...

FHE = Treats + Activity. Enough said. That is seriously hilarious. I love that he told you afterward that he left out that part. That is too funny.

Dee Lisonbee said...

Dale I am disappointed - what are you teaching that boy if he is not enthralled with eating treats - I thought that was what FHE was all about. I did notice at Justins FHE that it is all about who has the microphone - maybe that is the key....