Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Bella's birthday...

Bella turned six last weekend! You know what that means! No more car seat for Bella!!! Oh, and we did have a fabulous party too! It was a "chef" themed party. I made an apron for each friend she invited in preparation for the event. Then the kids, adorned with their chosen apron separated into three groups to do the baking activities...The first one was the cooking table. I made several batches of plain cookie dough and the kids mixed in their chosen toppings. We had chocolate chips, white chocolate chips, coconut, m & m's, butterscotch chips, peanut butter chips, sprinkles, etc. They made some seriously disgusting crations...but they had fun doing it...

Nana manned the pizza making table. I made pizza dough and we gave each child a ball of dough to roll out and top with their favorite pizza toppings. This was definitely a hit. I have never seen such small pizzas piled with such huge piles of cheese and toppings. This picture was taken before the first group started. You should've seen it when they were done!

The last one was a placemat table where they decorated "foamie placemats" with stickers, rub ons, and markers. This station took the longest. You should've seen some of their creations!

While the pizzas were cooking, we had a food relay. There was a table across the backyard that the kids had to run to, put a napkin on their lap and then eat one saltine cracker, one big marshmallow, and one blueberry and then run back and tag the next person on the team. It was boys vs. girls.

The girls were winning, so jake, in an attempt to slow the victory, tackled poor Emma. Luckily, she held her own and the girls still won!

Later, we sang Bella happy birthday. Elizabeth made this fabulous cake for Bella...all pink, what more could a girl want? It was TASTY! She absolutely lit up when they sang to her! What's not to love about 24 kids singing happy birthday to you?

Bella had a great party....It was only two hours, so thanks to Nana, Judy, Rick, Tracy, and our fabulous friend Meghan, it went off very smoothly. A good time was had by all!


Ginger said...

No more car seats! You are so lucky. The legal age here is 8!!!

I remember when Bella was first born. She is such a cutie!

Dee Lisonbee said...

The party was a master work of choreography and it appeared that everyone had a good time - the pizzas and cookies were a huge hit and the placemats were unique and beautiful --Kudos to the mom for pulling it off

Katie L. said...

I remember sitting around the hospital room talking about what to name her. I love to remember NeNe suggesting "cat baby" or was it Jake?

Nice work on all the aprons, and I think I like your kitchen. I want to see a picture of the whole thing.

Katie L. said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY Bella! Sorry we missed it, we miss you!

Tamara said...

I can't believe it was 6 years ago that you told me to come hang out with you at the hospital while you were in labor. I seriously remember everything about that day. We knew she was a fiesty one from that very first scream and she hasn't proven us wrong yet. She is responsible for some of the most hilarious quotes I've ever heard.

Bella, happy birthday. I miss you tons and I can'tn wait to see you again!