Sunday, March 15, 2009

Happy birthday Rick!

Today is Rick's birthday. To celebrate, he requested some ghiradelli brownies and vanilla ice cream. How fabulous is that? simple and yummy. There are so many ways that Rick makes my life fabulous. He is very easy to please. He pitches in and helps with the kids all the time, but especially when he can tell I'm about to lose it. He makes an effort to be at the things that are important to the kids whether it's an assembly or a sports event. He has taught himself to do so many awesome things...his current project is our entertainment center which is going to be so awesome. Oh, and he's reflooring the entry way, hallway, bathroom, and kitchen right now while he does the entertainment center. He does such good work. I wish he could do it for a profession because his work is beautiful. He is sensitive to my feelings and puts me and the kids first. We are a lucky bunch at the Edwardson house! So, happy birthday Rick! Now you're as old as I am (for 6 days, any way).


Ginger said...

Happy Birthday, Rick!

Tamara said...

I suggest you make him Namaladas for dinner. He loves those.

j-liz said...

Michelle you forgot some key things that make Rick great. For example, his total dominance at Super Smash Bros at Christmas. His determination to save the spinning out of control golf cart at 7 Peaks long after I had bailed out. The zero tolerance policy of whining including holding the garage door shut at Papa's house while Jake (at 2) tried to kick it open. Trying to convince Camille, who was content to sit quietly on the floor as a baby, that she had a right to be held and that if she cried we would pick her up.

Happy Birthday Rick.

Dale said...

Since our days in the singles ward, I have been impressed by the genuine, humble person Rick is. I think he's a good example of how to be a good husband and father. Anyone who has seen him serve his mother and his brother knows how kind and diligent he is at both.

Now Rick, lest you go getting a big head, I will remind you that I completely schooled you in basketball when we were in the singles ward. It was you and me, mano a mano, at the Valencia stake center, and you know who your daddy was that night. Maybe it only happened once, but it happened. Forget the fact that if we went at it now I'd pull a hammy in 10 seconds and that my vertical leap would be measured in milimeters rather than inches. Let's not split hairs here. (Some of us (like me) don't have enough left to split.)

Courtney said...

HBD Rikterscale. You get funnier every year that I know you. And lets be honest, funny is what counts the most in this life.

jennifer said...

yes, yes, happy belated birthday to rick. i saw him about a dozen times in the hallway on sunday, but did i remember to say happy birthday even once? nope. it was even written on our family calendar for heaven's sake. oi! so yes, we all agree he is a great guy and we all hope he had a great birthday. happy birthday rick!

Dee Lisonbee said...

I have long marveled at the tenacity you have at learning something you didnt grow up doing and every summer i sing the ode to Rick for the wonderful air conditioner I enjoy daily - you are truly amazing and we are glad Michelle found and married you - you are definitely a keeper.