Monday, June 29, 2009

In his dreams

Brandon and I played a game or two of lightsaber battles on Star Wars: The Clone Wars for Wii. A while later we had the following conversation:

Brandon: Daddy, next time we play lightsaber battles I'm going to work your action.

Me: Is that before or after you wake up?

Brandon (resolutely): Before.

I can see that Brandon definitely has the family propensity for dreaming.

I used to dream that I was on the Lakers. I would be at practice. In the middle of a jump, I would look in front of my face and realize I was so high up there that I may as well dunk the ball while I was at it. It was effortless. Inevitably, morning would come and reality would set in. :(

1 comment:

Dee Lisonbee said...

Dale, I have no idea where that first posting came from do you??
Anyway, dreaming helps us to get where we would really like to be - obviously Brandon is on his way somewhere great.