Friday, November 6, 2009

Important Updates

I can't remember the last time I posted on the blog. There has been a lot going on in my life but I try and save blog posting for the really special occassions. So guys, lets forget about my breakup, new job, new apartment, or new calling and focus on what really matters...


In case you can't tell by the picture, my roommates and I made ourselves some black widow spider costumes. Seeing as I have been called this creature since I was first eligible for dating, I thought it was entirely appropriate that I openly declare myself as least for one night of the year.

Ash showed up dressed as swine flu. Freaking hilarious. I'm not sure what is happening in this picture but knowing Ash and I, I'm thinking we were about to have some kind of dramatic embrace of the poisonous spider and infectious virus.

And of course, for the sake of maintaining my character, I had to act the part of the black widow. Poor guy had no idea what he was in for. (This may or may not have been a metaphorical foreshadowing of actual events to come.)

It's all fun and games till someone busts out the can of Raid.

These pictures were all taken at the Halloween party we threw. Socially, it was a success - tons of people, treats, and dancing. Physically, it was a disaster. We loaded ourselves up with junk food and partied until 1am when we had to be up at 6am for a half-marathon the next morning. Oh to be young, single, and completely irresponsible :)


This was my roommate Ash and I at 6am on our way to the bus, before we got all nastified.

And here are Nikki and I at about mile 3, still convinced we were having fun. You can tell we were tired by how funny we thought we were for holding hands in the picture.

After marathon completion. Nikki and I came in together at 2 hours 2 minutes. That averages out to be about a 9 minute mile which I hear is pretty decent for your first half. I don't know if I would have done so well if it weren't for Nikki. She's the one who inspired me to run in the first place, convinced me I could do a half, and then somehow motivated me to sprint the last mile of the race.

It ended up that a couple of our ward members, Melissa and Brett ran the half as well, only they were tons faster than us.

The roommates.

Harold, part of my fan club. Ashley Gardiner was there to support as well but the picture of us is a really sick one of me so I chose not to include it. Just know that she was there, like the best friend that she is.

Well family, it's been real. Until next year when I decide it's time to post again...


Dale said...

Torney, thanks for getting my exercise for the year. I believe in living vicariously. I am now over any urge I had to exercise. :)

j-liz said...

Thanks for the update. Great to see pics and to see you having fun!

The Queen said...

That Harold boy is quite tall. I can't say I'm surprised to see you in a black widow costume. You heart breaker, you.

The Queen said...

P.S. You make me sick.