Tuesday, November 17, 2009

It's official...

I've gone bananas! As of 5 minutes ago, I have registered for my first (and most likely last) marathon. Wednesday, January 13th I will be flying out to Pheonix, Arizona with the intent of running PF Changs Rock N' Roll marathon that will be taking place on Sunday, January 17th. I told myself that I needed to run a 20 miler before I'd commit to a marathon and on Saturday I did. I nearly died doing it but with the correction of some rookie mistakes (not eating before, not drinking water during, running in the snow, running by myself) I am crossing my fingers my next attempt will be less torturous. Wish me luck family and friends because I'll be needing it around mile 20 when I decide I'd rather run myself into oncoming traffic than continue the upcoming 6 miles.


Dale said...

Court, when you get to that last 6 miles, just imagine all of us there waiting to give you a big brother/sister/uncles/cousins/nieces/nephews/father/mother/curtains mommies HUG HUG HUG. If that doesn't get you to the finish line, it will be the best excuse you needed not to get there. :)

Dee Lisonbee said...

We willbe there to cheer you on - just tell us where to stand and what to say-or what not to do - whichever would make you feel better.

Elizabeth said...

Courtney, you are my hero. I just finished my second 5k. Going to do a 10k in January. I can't even imagine a 20 mile run! or a MARATHON!! You ROCK!! I'll be sending you positive thoughts! :)

Tamara said...

You are such a show off. Good luck. Run for me too.