This is the picture I came up with when I google imaged "Lady Coach." Isn't it fabulous?
First, I'm sorry for going all Kanye on your b-day post Courtney but I do have to divert all of our attention for one minute to apologize to Dale. I missed his B-day post b/c everyone was out here for Thanksgiving and I got distracted but I've been meaning to do it ever since. I have a plan though. I haven't forgotten you, oh wisest among us kids. I will post for your b-day on a "specially appointed day" if you will...and I think you will. OK, sorry. Back to you, Taylor Swift. I mean Courtney.
To the younger, cuter version of me. The girl who has already or will tomorrow surpass every accomplishment I ever achieved in my life, why do you have to be so dang loveable? It'd be so much easier on my self esteem if we could balance your laundry list of ridiculously amazing strengths with some annoying trait or another. But you don't even have one. Even your perfection is endearing! How do you do it?
Ah, Coach. Let's recall some of your finer nicknames. Cutsey boots. Corky. Coco (I know, we are not all authorized to use this one, but I thought I'd throw it in for the sake of full disclosure). Shoot shoot, you're cute. Mommies. Curtains. Brothers Sisters Uncles Cousins Niece Nephew Mommies. Am I leaving any out?
I miss hanging out with you. And Felicity. And Thai food during mandatory law school graduation meetings. And sleepovers. And St. Patrick's Day. And Sunday Dinner. And Rice Pudding. And green rice krispie squares. And annoying Star Wars reinactments. And pretend drunken parties courtesy of orange creme sodas in glass bottles. And all of my male neighbors fawning all over you at my apartment. And Moogock. And 7 mile long post-it notes on my desk. And the Alien Baby. And my roommates wishing you'd move in and secretly probably liking you way better than they like me. And the world's most intense kick boxing glass followed by the nuzzle variation followed by a collapse on the floor in convulsions and laughter. And scotch...scotch scotch scotch, down down down, down into my belly. And Andrew's break up depicted in gruesome detail on my whiteboard. And only you and Natalie getting each other's jokes. And the blood drive. And pregnant male platupi. And teaching toddlers to say "Tiffany." And planning Matty's surprise B-day par-tay. And you being the first person I ever turned over full control of my baby to so I could go take my very first post baby nap. And you getting her to fall asleep when no one else could. I love you internally. :)
Mostly I miss you all the time. It kind of makes me want to sulk if I think about it too long. So hurry up and move here. Meanwhile, who remembers another Coach nick-name? Or another awesome memory that will make Courtney snort with laughter?
Happy B-day Coach. We love you. A lot.