Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Exhibit B

A day in the life of Malia and I...

This morning, I woke Malia up. Her response was, "Why can't you just come back later?" Fair enough. I get the other kids out the door and then attempt to wake her up again. I told her that it was her Christmas party at preschool and asked if she wanted to get up so she could get ready. Her response was, "I'm just tired still. I'll go to the Christmas party next year."

Though I completely understood her willingness to give up some holiday party for another blessed hour of sleep, sorry kid, no can do today. Places to go, people to see. I picked her up, brought her downstairs, got her dressed and let her eat a cookie for breakfast to cheer her up. Elizabeth came to get her and she was clinging to me for dear life...but I put her in the car anyway.

She arrived home, having had a great time at preschool. I had to run to Costco to pick up some pictures. She saw someone walk out with a Barbie dollhouse and started asking to get one today. I told her not today and she proceeded to MELT DOWN. This is one of the first meltdowns I have seen from her in awhile. In my head, I'm thinking, this kid must be exhausted. I told her if she would stop, we could get a treat on the way out (aka my diet coke fix and something for her too...)She continued the whole time SCREAMING. Of course I couldn't get her (or me) a treat, so we walked out the door and she realizes she's not getting a treat. Now she really freaks out...ALL THE WAY HOME. When we get home, I pick her up, grab her blankets, and lay her down in my bed. She closes her eyes, puts her thumb in her mouth and goes to sleep. I lay down next to her and also doze off to dreamland. No words were said. We both knew she was tired. I was tired, we simply took a nice little nap...until I was rudely awakened by pounding on the front door. You guessed it...Wednesday, early release. And so, Malia sleeps on as I referee between the other three.

Seriously, this kid just gets me...


j-liz said...

How nice to take a nap with your baby. If I lay down next to Bubba he hops on my back, pulls on my shirt collar and says, "Giddy Up, Hum on Dad, Giddy Up!"

The Queen said...

She's hilarious. A chip off the old block! Should be awesome when she gets older.... muhahahaha