Thursday, December 10, 2009

Why Malia and I get along...

It's morning...I leave her alone until the last minute possible. When I go to wake her up, she replies..."I'm not done sleeping yet."

I'm with ya sista...

I carry her downstairs and put her in the car to take the kids to school. We take the kids to school and get back. I turn on the t.v. for her, cover her up, and go upstairs to do my workout. She doesn't interrupt me...not once! I don't want to talk and neither does she...When I'm done, I get my diet Coke and she has some breakfast.

Later in the morning, if she's not at preschool, she'll generally say something like, "Mom, how about we go to the store and you can have a diet Coke and I'll have a treat." Great idea! (She is a well trained child...knows just where my soft spot is).

It is not uncommon in the afternoon for her to say, "Mom, I'm tired, let's go take a nap together." Are you kidding me? LOVE IT! We go upstairsFor and have a nice snooze...she doesn't try to talk to me, she just lays down (on my pillow, of course), and loves her over her eyes and one where she can poke her little fingers through.

When I ask her if she's going to get dressed today (on a non-preschool day), she generally says, "Not today mom." I am a p.j. girl. I would never get dressed if it were up to me. There's nothing like some nice warm pajamas and a sweatshirt, especially in the winter...

On preschool days, she melts my heart when she says, "I don't want to go to school today, I just want to stay home with you." (Of course I make her go anyway). Some days after we drop the kids off, she'll say, "Yeah, now it's just me and you, all day."

For our surprise baby, Malia has been a very enjoyable child...we just understand one another. That's what makes me nervous...girlfriend has a mind of her own and is as stubborn as her mother. Heaven help us when she's a teen.


Kristie said...

That's so sweet! She is so cute! And I'm with you...I've been very worried about Haylie as a teen - we'll have to have each other on speed dial!

Katie L. said...

Oh Michelle, don't be so dramatic. You were an easy teenager, right? Malia is a great kid. I just love her no nonsense attitude. And yours.