Thursday, April 8, 2010

Maybe we're doing something right...maybe

Tonight, one of my children came down to tell me he had told a little white lie earlier in the evening. He was in tears. It was a silly little fib, one that didn't really matter in the scheme of things. I was so proud that he chose to come and tell me and that he felt so bad about it. I don't want my kids to feel like they have to lie to me and I'm glad he came clean. Earlier in the day, Malia and her friend were walking suspiciously downstairs with their hands behind their backs. I asked them to come back and show me what was in their hands. Turns out it was valentine's candy that no one cared about, but they thought they were being sneaky and taking it. When I explained to Malia that I didn't care if they ate the Valentines candy, I just didn't want her sneaking around, she seemed so relieved. I try to pick my battles and eating leftover Valentine's candy found who knows where...not one of my battles. But, I hope Malia learned that she doesn't always have to hide things from me because I just might not freak out. She is very sensitive to whether I am mad at her or not and she said to her friend, "See, my mom's not mad at me. It's okay if we eat them." Little lessons that will hopefully translate when bigger issues are at stake...


Kristin said...

That's funny! That's the same issue I'm dealing with Kol right now. He sneaks things, hides and locks doors to hide what he's doing- and most of the time it is something totally lame that I don't care about. It's the hiding and sneaking around that bothers me. We've had the "Talk" multiple times about not sneaking and hiding if he wants something or thinks he's doing something bad, and why he should just ask me if he wants something because then I won't be mad if he asks... Still haven't gotten through yet because I think we have the same talk weekly :(

Susanne said...

Wow. I just have to comment. You are my idol. I need to take lessons on keeping chilled.