Monday, April 12, 2010

My unofficial day off...

In 11 years of marriage, ten of those with children, I have never gone back to bed after the children get up...NEVER. Well, there's always time for a first. This weekend's festivities combined with the weight of various decisions that need to be made caused a first for me. I dropped the children off, turned on the house alarm ('cause I'm paranoid like that) and promptly went back to bed! And, I actually fell asleep...until 11:00! It was a beautiful morning. The house is a mess, laundry needs doing, beds need making, but I have to say, I feel pretty darn good. It's cloudy outside and a perfect day to crawl back in bed. So I say...Good for me! Now when my children get home, I can greet them happily as I now feel well rested and ready for the day. Never mind the fact that the day is mostly over. However, I have plans for dinner, an FHE more or less prepared and intentions to clean later in the week. After all, the mess isn't going anywhere, right? So, Happy Monday to you...hope your day was equally fulfilling!


Lisa P said...

You are my idol.

Dale said...

Michelle, if that is the best you can do in your effort to momentarily slack off, you have serious problems. :) Glad you got some rest. If you need R&R after the kids are home, remember this foolproof combination:

1. Padded walls in a soundproof room
2. Sumo suits
3. Place kids in room
4. THEN place kids in sumo suits. (If you do 4 before 3, you may have a tough time getting them through the door into the room.)
5. Then lock door to room
6. Then throw away key to door
7. Then turn on radio and take nap. :)

Michelle said... have so many great's just hard to know where to begin. Since I've never actually been to your house, I assume that you have padded walls as well as sumo suits in various sizes. We'll be right over...