Thursday, April 19, 2007

Getting Fat

Well. People keep telling me that I'm not getting fatter and that they can't tell I'm pregnant. This, however, did not stop me last night from unbuttoning my pants after dinner and wearing an undershirt that was long enough and tight enough to hide the fact that I was, well, undone. I was even in public. When I went to show Matt how brilliant I was, he said, "Hey, there are probably cameras." I think he's getting sick of me saying, "Look how big I am - can't you see it?!?!" I'm glad that you girls will appreciate my chubawumpiness. -Lisa


Michelle said...

Oh Lisa, the beauty of pregnancy. Just keep a good mental picture of what you looked like before BECAUSE YOU'LL NEVER LOOK LIKE THAT AGAIN. Well, maybe you'll get lucky and will, but I never did! Anyway, enjoy your growing belly!

The Queen said...

Oh yeah, I remember unbuttoning. You can use a rubber band to keep the top of your pants together. That way they don't stick out and make you look MORE chubawumpy.