Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Ode to College

I’m in college suckas, you can’t handle stories about my life! Who am I kidding? I live in Provo, Utah…the highlight of my week is going to DI to pick out an outfit for the upcoming weekend’s themed party. I guess in reality that’s the same as normal college parties except for instead of alcohol we’re all hyped up on caffeinated sodas or energy drinks.

This last semester has been pretty intense though. I got accepted to BYU Hawaii for the spring and BYU Utah for the fall, and I plan on attending both. Since my acceptance to BYU Hawaii I got a job (Yup folks, Courtney got a job!) and started saving for my upcoming escapade. Anyone curious as to where I got a job at? I’ll give you a clue, think of the absolute worst job a person could work… Still haven’t guessed? Take a look at the attached picture but ignore the finger Hitler mustache I’m making. YOU GOT IT! I’m working at a call center. I want you all to take a minute and picture me at a call center. If you know me at all then you were probably imagining a customer being extremely rude to me and me, instead of marking “Hard refusal” or “Put on do not call list” as we are instructed to, marking “Call back” and changing the time to two minutes later. I may or may not have done that…on multiple occasions…

Well that covers my job. Everything else is pretty much the same as always. School is hard. Provo is still the artic tundra. Boys, however, have somehow managed to get dumber.

Consider yourself updated on my life. Don’t worry, this was a one time thing. I don’t plan on posting a novel each week, I just thought I’d get you all caught up.

Peace out,


Michelle said...

Um, I thought you said you were posting a picture. Am I technologically challenged or something because I can't see the picture!

Michelle said...

No, I'm the technologically challenged one. It wasn't letting me attach a photo, but I think I finally got it to work!


Tamara said...

um so...yeah, why can't I sign in as an author? i tried putting in but then it wanted a google one. What the devil?

Slam Dance

Michelle said...

Tams, it should have sent you an e-mail invitation to be an author or something. Ask Lisa or Matt how to do it because they did. That is the google one they're asking for...

Dale said...

Hey! I was wondering what it was you were doing in this pictures! That's hilarious!
