Thursday, April 19, 2007

OK, so here's my first real post...

The girls have been tremendous!!! Terrible two's TIMES TWO! Not kidding. They have been moved from their room upstairs after destroying it (literally) and have been sleeping in our room on the floor on a couple mattresses (unsuccessfully while going on to destroy our room as well) and now we're going to experiment with putting the girls up in the media room with nothing in it but something to sleep on. Hoping it works so I can have some sanity during what should be their nap time.

Exhausted in the "Big D",



Michelle said...

I just want to know how you guys made yourselves contributors...


Michelle said...

You know, the only thing worse than one two-year-old is two of them! Malia will be 2 next month, but she thinks she already is. she's been booted out of nursery already for scratching. This past week, the nursery leader said she was better...she only scratched two kids. Good thing she's so adorable! She definitely rules the roost around here. The other kids all have to do what she wants or face the consequences which aren't pretty!

Courtney said...

So Malia is taking after her Aunt Torny and getting kicked out of class? I'm so proud :)