Monday, May 4, 2009

I survived...

After five months of waiting and some ridiculous insurance issues, I finally got my root canal done this first. Here's a little formula for you...valium + adavan (sp?) + ipod= tolerable root canal. The dentist who appeared to be a total jerk from my last experience was actually very good and very aware of how I was doing. So, it's over. Thanks to my drivers and child care givers...I appreciate it. Hopefully I won't be doing that again any time soon...


Ginger said...

So just for the record... even though I'm sure Dr. H* will never see this, you DID get a root canal on the proper tooth, even without the ice test. Interesting. :-D

I'm glad you survived. RC's are NO FUN!

The Queen said...

lol Ginger. Glad it went well! Those are definitely no fun!

OlsenFam said...

Yeah- I don't do the Valium, because I need to drive..but the numing gel, the nitrous and the numbing shots and the ipod keep me calm, even though I can still feel things. There is a shot that I got a few months ago that really worked- I didn't feel a thing- but the whole side of my face was numb for about 24 I opted out this time and just to do the normal shots.

Katie L. said...

Yay Michelle. I'm glad you made it through. Thank heaven for drugs, huh?