Monday, May 4, 2009

Man Time

For those that don't view Katie's blog here is a link so that you can check out our latest video of Bubba. The boy is preparing for his career....I'll let you decide whether that is football or ultimate fighting.

Katie's Blog


Courtney said...

It's a good thing I'm friends with my supervisor...

or I may have gotten in trouble for busting up laughing at that video. We're technically not supposed to be using the internet but everyone enjoyed the slap in the face so much that I got away with it.

I'm still laughing.

Dee Lisonbee said...

Where is the Pooh chair when you need it - although those slaps really are more effective on the face of the Dad than on the Pooh chair. He has a real sense of timing and rivals Carter tackling the Pooh chair for overall amusement. Way to sacrifice your body for the cause.....